Sammael Saṃghāta



5 years, 8 months ago


Full name: Sammael Grigori Saṃghāta

Theme Song: Broken by Sonata Arctica

*Has a very selective memory that is far more focused on information and negative attributes that occurred in his life.

*Excels in time magic, purification, healing, illusions and mental afflicting magic. Also excellent at curses, hexes and affliction based spells. Surprisingly also a good support with buffs and aid as he is as a saboteur. He just prefers performing the latter.

*Very strict and no nonsense fellow. As to his mother is the great witch Azazel there is a lot expectation to follow after, however due to the intensive training, he's somewhat has a distaste for the magical world.  Although his power strong he's found it useless. There isn't a purpose from his learnings only "because HE is the son of Azazel". Stupid, unjustified abuse in the name of powerful conjuring. 

*His family he knows little of or more so payed little attention to. He's mainly focused on himself, mother and Iblis. His father he vaguely remembers, he remembers his extremely aggressive brother, and that one sibling who escaped as quickly as they could from their turmoil ridden lives.

Those who look up to his mother absolutely aggravate him. His "cousin" Aruka is one such mistake. A powerless knave, who has the passion and drive to so many great things. A genius with so much talent in the mundane world, but instead throws this skill into the spiritually enriched one. To which she has zero skill over, making absolutely no progress. Heckling his mother in the occasional supplies and training with a smile plastered on her face. Putrid. The training she partakes in, is that of what he and his sister underwent as mere toddlers. Yet her passion fuels despite these stacked odds. Gross.

*Due to his rather abrasive personality, he's poor at friendship or interpersonal relationships. His sister is the only person who honestly tolerates his awful attitude. 

*Extremely petty, you could buy the last box of candy in the store before him and he'd debate on cursing you for eternity due to him not getting what he wanted. Even though he seems mature, he's actually a massive child. The issues of his life have molded him the way he is, but is always quick to blame those around him than himself. Unable to acknowledge that nothing will change as he focuses into the same rut that is his life. He only progresses, when he can find "reason", but all those reasons have to be something negative against others.   If it wasn't for the fact he lives with his sister, he'd cut her off with no words discussed, because her entire existence disgusts him as well. Finding positives in their training and caring for magic and in general not being miserable with him is absolutely atrocious.  His sister is the negative that keeps him motivated enough to be as uninterested at her as possible. Leading to him to ironically focus on what he can get a hold of. Which is practicing magic.  Fueling his endless cycle of manic hatred for what he does and who he is, wishing for it to constantly change, but never takes any proper step forward to cease it himself.

*Due to this constant personal frustration, he's quick to lash out, but rather than lashing out at others or to those who cause the current final straw, he'd rather subjugate his sister to this behavior behind closed doors. Leading to a near abusive relationship for as the elder sibling he has authority over her, making it feel "okay". At first it was hard to when he started, but now it's become second nature. The lacerations and gleaming scars that glisten over the body of his sister all come from him. 

*Despite he himself, he's still a respected member among the community of magic. However, its only because of his mother's influence. People constantly wishing to be him, complimenting his skill and work. Complimenting and admiring what he can do, but not actually complimenting who. Which causes him to be further irate, for he wants to be respected for who he is, but now he's become ashamed of that who.  He regrets who he is and what he's done, but the anger inside him overtakes those feelings of grief. He hates it and hates himself even more.