


5 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info




"You're a beautiful person!"

  •  Name   Riley Lenchester 
  •  Age   28 
  •  Gender   Male 
  •  Introvert   Extrovert 

  •  Intuitive   Observant 

  •  Thinking   Feeling 

  •  Judging   Prospecting 

“I wish, as well as everybody else, to be perfectly happy; but like everybody else, it must be in my own way.” 


Riley is a very bashful person, not wanting all the attention on him. He’s a very soft-spoken man and let’s his younger sister do most of the talking. Although he’s not the best at public speaking, he handles most of both companies money flow. He isn’t scared very easily and is curious about most things around him. Riley doesn’t get angry easily, and instead gets sad and question if what he did was in the wrong. He loves to make puns to make people giggle and/or roll their eyes while smiling, and pull cute/funny/harmless pranks on close friends.


He is 5'6"! Riley has a rather feminine body type, with a more frail and delicate body type compared to most other men. His brown hair is super, super soft and shiny, as well as his eyes looking gentle. Riley loves clothing that hides his mouth, as he has a scar and is self conscious about it.

  •  Ethnicity   Bengalis/Indian

  •  Residence   Candoris
  •  Job   
    Founder of his conditioner brand, 'La Kandi' 
  •  Sexuality   Bisexual 
  • ● Riley is Amanda's older brother!
  • ● He blushes really easily, and hates it
  • ● He loves his job and wouldn't try to change it in any way 
  • ● He loves cyber goth fashion, but is too self conscious to try it. (Dawn help him)
  • ● He loves spicy food!
  • ● Traits:
    -double crown: common
    -eye color: common
    -animal features [marble fox]: common
    -feet: common (pawed )
    -glow color [pink]: common
  • Snakes and spiders
  • Baths/Bath bombs
  • Singing to himself
  • Making others laugh
  • Marshmallows
  • Relaxing with his sister
  • Graham Crackers
  • Loud places
  • Lady Bugs
  • Angry people
  • Missing work
  • Losing a bet to his sister


   Ever since he was a young child, Riley has found himself in love with smooth textures. His mother had very soft hair, which she liked her children to brush. Riley would have his mother sit on the living room floor as he sits on a couch and brush his mother's hair while she watches TV. Riley never knew his father, he left the family shortly after Amanda was born, but that never bothered Riley. 

  During his middle and highschool years, Riley kept a low radar, wanting to finish as quietly as possible. He participated in a few school activities like community service opportunities, but other then that he kept his head down low. He had a few highschool lovers, but sadly none of them worked out too well. He spent most of his highschool career seeking out his interest in hair care, which surprised a few of friends. He grew close to the fashion teacher and spent most of his time working with him.

  Amanda got the idea to start a shampoo brand and to have Riley start a partner conditioner brand near the end of highschool. Riley was shocked since he sister never expressed that sort of interest towards him before, but she seemed passionate about it so he, hesitantly, agreed upon the idea. From there, Riley used his last year and a half of highschool to intern at a conditioner company and learn the works. After he graduated from highschool, he went to college in the beauty department. He then found a lab that liked him and his sister's production and labeling ideas, agreed to help them with their hair care company. (274 words)


Amanda is his sister.  He respects his younger sister a lot. He holds her very dear to his heart and would do anything to protect her. She’s always there for him to make sure he’s okay and everything is alright.

Karson is one of his very best friends. Karson is a good friend of Riley's. With his uppity and puppy-like nature, Riley really enjoys his company. When Karson is around Riley is always smiling and feels all of his worries melt away. Amanda often jokes that Riley and Karson are brothers.

Selena is his beloved girlfriend. He treats her like a princess and would do anything to protect and make her happy. He loves her smile, kind eyes, and the way she talks gently to people. He loves how she’s always trying to push him out of his comfort zone to make more friends, and succeed easier in life.

profile html by Hukiolukio