
5 years, 9 months ago


Komo's name - Orion: rising in the sky

Komo's gender/pronouns - he/him 

Komo's favourite colour, and why? - Orion's absolute favourite color would have to be a white blue.

the relaxing tone of it reminds him to always take a moment to look up at the sky. watch the lumpy clouds loft around, drifting apart. watch the planes lead their trails mapping where they are going. watch the birds dance in the wind. listen as the wind drifts their songs into you're ears. listen to the cheers of kids having fun. the color reminds him to look up, and that reminds him to take a moment to himself. take in everything around him so he can remember the days of the sky being bright and remember when a breeze caused his hair to fall into his face and remember how he didn't place it back behind his ear for the sun was hitting his body just right warming him just like his mother had when he was sick. when she used to feed him sweet heated honey and would tell him that the honey will cure his sickness and he will be up the next day ready to take it on in its full might, he will be okay for as long as he takes a moment to witness the day and to remind himself to look at the sky. 

When someone is known for something its quite unusual for them to ever stray from what they are known for due to the fear of the publics reaction. Orion is one of those komohaerts who had this fear. Other komohaerts saw him as the guy who always looked forward or to the sky, never did he ever look down... at least around others. He was literally named after this trait of himself, Orion means rising in the sky and everyone expected this of him. They all expected him to keep his head high or to the sky and he never wanted to disappoint other komohaerts, or be seen as anything else in their eyes. This became such an overwhelming obsession that he gained a phobia for looking down.

What could be so difficult about just looking down? Its something I asked myself too, but now I understand. It isn't just looking down, its looking defeated, its letting yourself down, feeling anything but prideful and happy, its more than just looking down. It is being your actions. He believed that if he stayed looking up he would never feel down. If he kept his eyes forward and up, the worst he could feel is neutral, but never down. As said previously Orion has a fear of being sad, so anything that resembles this is something he will avoid as much as he possibly can.

So, how did we get here, to this scene of Orion doing what he never thought he could. Well, his best friend Frances picked up on this one day. They were out together in the woods just playing around and chatting about things. Frances and him are practically family so how could she not pick up on this. With a bit of pushing she was able to get him to open up to her and she didn't judge him, which took Orion by surprise. And of course Frances wanted to help him as it was having an impact on him, while she couldn't get him over his fear by talking to him she thought of something else.

One day she lead him to a pond, the pond you see above, and she leaned over showing her reflection. She explained to him what would happen and what she saw, that even though he would be looking down he would be seeing the sky in the reflection. She explained that he could look down with the illusion of looking up! It did take him a while to finally take the chance, but he eventually did, it was like a breath of fresh air for him. He felt a wave of relief (not only for his tired neck) but because he finally could do something he was terrified of. Granted he wont look down anywhere but over the water...