


5 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


The Arcana

Design year



Arcana fan apprentice.

  • Libra
  • She/Her
  • 5'1
  • Favourite meal: grilled pumpkin
  • Favourite drink: nopal tea
  • Favourite flower: Gardenia

The following notes are in progress and might change drastically in the future. Or not. For now, they're just little things that pop up in my head to possibly use and shape a form of Isbil and her personality, background story, current role etc. to make something of, on a later point.

  • bit of an airhead. seems to lose focus, dream off, get distracted, get drawn to unusual places, stare unintentionally at people - or nothing in particular.
  • tries to be as pleasant towards people as possible, adjust to their preferences, mold herself into something that will leave a feeling of trustworthiness.
  • the above two squares actually don't go well together and people tend to grow an awkward air when Isbil becomes distracted and glassy-eyed. She doesn't notice.
  • she has a grub/beetle theme, specifically a dung beetle. I will likely makeĀ it herĀ familiar.
  • she enjoys nature, animals of all kind, especially little bug-like critters. she loves to watch.
  • she does practice magic but i haven't decided yet how powerful her magical strengths are, or what type it is, or how she uses it.