Aksel Paradise



5 years, 8 months ago


Character Name


Name Aksel Paradise
Age 34
Gender Nonbinary Male
Pronouns He/Him and They/Them
Height 6'5"
Namesake La Roux (Trouble in Paradise)
Stand N/A
Occupation SPWFOfficer/HeadTech Engineer

Aksel is head of the Speedwagon Foundation facility located in Star City. The facility focuses on Stand technology,for example equipment that can detect when a stand is activated. Aksel has a large stigma towards standusers,especially if they seem incompetent of controlling their stand. As the SPWfoundation works very closely with the academy,Aksel has to attend it regularly.He can handle being around seasoned users like the staff there but when it comes to the younger,less experienced users,he’s more than a little on edge and can come off as incredibly cold towards them.


  • Punctual
  • Stubborn
  • Cautious
  • Hard-working
  • Closed-off
  • Objective

Aksel finds it difficult to make friends, he certainly tries to keep things professional at all times but there are a few individuals he feels close to. He sometimes finds it difficult to empathise with others and most of the time it will need to be spelled out for him. Contrary to popular belief he doesn't actively try to upset people he is just incredibly blunt and cautious about stand users. He never wants it to sound like he is condemming them he is just very aware of the powers they possess.His demeanor has been made apparent to him by several people and he's working on it.


He's always been an intelligent young man and he only ever really had one best friend, Aksel would later come to discover they now go by Depeche. Their relationship was strong when they were teenagers and it was really tested when Depeche began to display signs they may be a stand user, however due to not being a standuser himself Aksel found it frustraiting he couldn't relate as the manifestation of Depeche's stand caused issues. Aksel contacted the SPWF begging for them to let him study stands with them so he could learn to help his friend,immense research into the use of crystals and their spiritual properties allowed Aksel to make plans to build a machine that could possibly remove his friends stand as they began to change for the worse becoming aggressive and incredibly distressed as they couldn't get a hold of their stand.The desperate attempt failed and caused Depeche's stand to evolve into a full manifestation that they called [Personal Jesus], Aksel watched as their friend drew the life out of several SPWF members before fleeing into the night. Many years past and Aksel became head of his own department and a highly regarded member of the foundation,he however feels immense guilt for what happened to his friend and is relentlessly trying to find them.


Physical fitness
Aksel is incredibly agile and his speed comes in handy when trying to apprehend criminal stand users.

Hand to hand Combat
Even though the majority of people the SPWF has to take down have abilities that allow them to keep their distance, Aksel can get a big advantage by getting up close and personal and physically taking someone down. He has learnt over the years that if a stand users body is physically incapacitated their stand will be useless most of the time, he has a fighting style that attacks preassure points to make someones body harder to move.

When he's not taking down criminals he's working on the latest Stand Defence Technology, he's made some essential gadgets to help other SPWF officers as well as gadgets to personally help him.

High Chase Driving
Aksel loves his car and has had to use it to chase down many a criminal in his time so he's gotten very good at high stakes driving, he's not quite fast and furious level impossible and knows when something wont work but he for sure can keep up with the trouble makers.





Aksel has made many tools and gadgets in his time to help protect himself and other's from dangerous stand users and stand effects,some are necessities for all SPWF officers and other's are a little more personal to him.

"Tiger-Lilly"-A holographic pistol,used to shoot rubber bullets and tranquilizers. "Growing Pains"-A substance kept in aresol cannisters, it's used to immobolize suspects and stick them to just about anything (really strong silly string that expands) "Silent Partner"-Gaseous substance that can weaken stand abilities if inhaled,acts like a smoke grenade. "Bulletproof"-A small disc like device that projects a small forcefield that prevents damage from projectile or physical attacks from a stand i.e a barrage of punches/kicks, ironically not actually bulletproof.


  • He can't cook at all and basically lives off instant meals or take out,his favourite is burgers.
  • He enjoys going for drives around the city late at night when it's quiet.
  • Likes to swim again at night when it's calm,has a basement pool in his house.
  • Is slightly allergic to cats.




Estranged Best Friend



Friend/Work Colleugue



Friend/Work Colleugue

HTML by lowkeywicked