


8 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info

Fan Character from...

Avatar: The Last Airbender


Belzin "Bell"






5ft 6in / 1.67m


Fire Nation


{Likes & Dislikes}
+ New experiences, especially food
+ The ocean
+ Being able to relax around people

- Being cold
- Being hungry
- People assuming the worst about her
- Bullies

{Bendy Powers}
Firebender, but not a very good one. She reserves firebending for more practical tasks (lighting stoves, candles, heating water, etc) rather than in combat. She doesnt have very good control over her bending. She has trouble generating and controlling larger bursts of flame, and gave up trying after a few too many disastrous attempts. She has been known to accidentally use firebending due to surges in emotion, especially if she is in fear or distress.

{Fighting Style}
Bell's weapon of choice is her wooden bo staff, but she is quick, agile, and proficient in hand to hand combat. She is rarely ever the aggressor, and is an evasive fighter, preferring to run for it if possible. She hardly ever attempts to use firebending during a fight.

Bell's father is currently a captain in the Fire Nation Navy and is a firebender. Bell's mother (not a bender) has taken over running the small family-owned ship yard. Her older brother (22 yrs old and also a firebender) has recently joined the navy. Her younger brother is still in school, has no bending abilities, but is a very astute student and an aspiring musician. Bell is especially close to her father and older brother. She seems to be at odds with her mother quite frequently.

She comes from a small coastal town, where pretty much everyone is a fisherman, sailor, shipwright, or something along those lines. Her father is an excellent fisherman and sailor, and inherited a shipyard from his father. When Bell was younger, she loved to accompany her father and older brother on their fishing trips, and she eventually became an adept sailor.
When she was very young, she showed promise at being a strong firebender. As she got older, however, her parents began to realize she just couldn't seem to control her powers and that bending just wasnt one of her talents. They consulted as many firebending masters as they could find but all of them wrote her off as a lost cause, and when she accidentally set herself (and their house) on fire they finally decided to give up the cause. She took a lot of flak in school for her 'deficiency' and for a while she was rather down on herself for not being able to bend properly. But her older brother, being the good sibling that he was, taught her how to fight (nonbender style!) and defend herself. Bell caught on quick to this, and, to her parents' and teachers' dismay, got very good at handing out ass whoopings to bullies (be they benders or not).
To make matters worse at school, Bell's determination to follow in her great grandfathers footsteps as an explorer/adventurer marked her as something of a freak. She never knew the man, but she admired him more than anyone else. Her father had given her his old, tattered, wide-brimmed hat, and she wore it almost everywhere. He had also kept journals of his travels all over the world and Bell never tired of reading them. The kids at school said that her great grandfather was crazy, and most of the information in his journals couldn't be true. Even the teachers (mostly those of history) became concerned when she would contradict their lessons with information from the journals.
As Bell grew into her teenage years, her mother tried tirelessly to turn her into a proper young lady so that she may one day marry a respectable man. Bell would hear none of this, and stuck to her ambitions to become an adventurer.
Bell's father had enlisted in the fire nation navy in his younger years, and when she was 14, he received a request to accept a commission as a captain in the navy. He decided it was better not to decline this request. If this did not break her heart, then her older brother joining the navy a year later did. Not long after, she decided it was time to set off on her adventure. She left during the night, and left a note for her mother.
Bell started off hitching rides around the Fire Nation mainly on fishing boats, in exchange for lending a hand as one of the crew (more than a few sailors were skeptical at first). She occasionally would stop in a town for a month or so, making money doing odd jobs. She explored the Fire nation a little less than a year before she decided to leave for the colonies. From the colonies, she soon made her way into the Earth Kingdom.
She learned very quickly that the rest of the world did not, in fact, admire the Fire Nation, as she had been lead to believe in school. She discovered the hard way that blatantly advertising that you were from the fire nation in Earth Kingdom territory made you a target (no matter how non-threatening you seemed), and she quickly acquired (stole) some new additions to her wardrobe so that she could blend in.

{Present day}
Most of her journeying goes without any trouble, but there are occasional incidents where she is found out to be from the Fire Nation, in which case she usually ends up running from an angry mob. She has taken quite a few beatings, and lost some friends, but she is determined to see the world and eat as much good food as possible.

{Fun facts about Bell}

  • Got the nasty burn scar on her right arm from accidentally setting herself on fire when she was younger.
  • Loves spicy food and seafood.
  • Is actually a pretty decent cook when it comes to seafood dishes.
  • Is very curious and good at sticking her nose into places it doesn't belong, which sometimes gets her into trouble
  • Tends to feel sorry for people that get picked on (because she knows what that's like) and usually tries to stand up for them, whether its a good idea or not