🦚Natasha🦚 (Lady Midnight AU)



4 years, 11 months ago



23 ✦ Female ✦ Dramatic/Serious



Finally free from being trapped and manipulated by her uncle, Natasha was finally ready to relax and move on. That was until she found the black cat miraculous in one of her moving boxes. Not a day later a new hawkmoth rose to power and Natasha had no choice but to take on the mantle of Chat Noir, under the new name of Chat Midnight. As much as she wanted to be a hero, Natasha isn't sure if she can fill the shoes of Chat Noir and is trying to win the trust of her fellow heroes.


Natasha is an average (5’4) human with blond hair and blue eyes. She is usually wearing a blue t-shirt and jeans, and she is always wearing a peacock brooch and a silver ring.  


"Be a peacock in a world of ducks"

  • Croissants 
  • Comedies  
  • Her newfound freedom
  • Nail polish
  • Fashion
  • Smelly cheeses
  • Duusu and Plagg fighting
  • Closed spaces
  • Ruining her clothes
  • Getting reminded about Gabriel 


Natasha's original kwami. Natasha is starting to feel a strain in their relationship given that she has to give plagg more attention and use his miraculous. Natasha is trying to mend the slowly breaking relationship with no luck, she hopes that things will start to improve and duusu will understand


Natasha's newer kwami. Natasha has a hard time being around this smelly and lazy cat and hates that she always must carry around some sort of cheese so he can recharge. There is nothing worse than smelling like camembert all day. Natasha also has noticed that plagg is distant when it comes to Chat noir, and sulks a lot after a mission. Plagg and Duusu don't get along, and Natasha hates the amount of yelling that happens over the course of a day 

 profile html by Hukiolukio