Shira Rasenka



9 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Shira Rasenka


Female. Normally around 8-10 years, her younger version is around 4-5 years


May 18th


Light brown skin, emerald green eyes, black hair


Sweets (Ice cream, Melon bread, breads mostly), Mac & Cheese, pinks and purples are fav colors


Plush baby lion, giant plush mustard bottle, mustard bottle, toys, a spear


Shira is very much a naive and trusting young girl. Mildly stubborn, a tad oblivious and curious as hell,  she appears extremely average. Like all kids, she’s prone to getting into trouble of all kinds, but is a good child at heart who believes strongly in family. Nothing is more important, especially her older sister, Shion. Shira idolizes her sister Shion and prefers to hang out with her all day long if possible. She’s had this connection since the day she was born, preferring to be held by or play with her older sister. In turn, this means that she is watched like a hawk and protected by her older sister.

As a child kept close to her family, Shira is ignorant to the world around her, thus she sees most things in a simple light, often coming off as innocent or ‘uncorrupted’. Of course this means she is also easily fooled, making her extremely vulnerable if she were to ever be separated from her family. Unlike her sister, she has a medium level of patience and is able to deal with things a lot better then her hot-headed sibling.

Shira enjoys eating naturally, especially sweets, breads and things on which she is able to use mustard. She rather enjoys the tartness and taste of the yellow condiment and enjoys using it on anything her mother lets her have it on. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t try to get to the container to eat it straight. Aside from that, she enjoys spending time with the family, playing games such as soccer and enjoys being outside. On the other hand, she is afraid of needles, wooded areas at nighttime, moths and most things related to death.

Unfortunately, as with all things, nothing ever stays the same forever. Shira’s first 8 years of life were peaceful and undisturbed within the woods miles away from human civilizations. She lived happily, blissfully unaware of the last day she’d see her parents and have to face the realities of the world around her. That day her sister gripped her tightly in her arms and ran, tears in her eyes…

There is a younger version of Shira at 4-6 years old.