


3 months, 5 days ago


⭐️ Informal Name: Snílek (“Little Dreamer”), occasionally referred to by children as Jar-o’-Wishes

⭐️ Godly Name: Sen (“Dream”)

⭐️ Pronouns: it / it / its / itself

⭐️ in its semi-human form, Sen looks in its mid-twenties. Its dream form is different for everyone, but it prefers to appear to mortals as a talking animal.

⭐️ Deity Of The Moon, Stars, Dreams (both the sleep kind, good and bad, and the wishes and hopes kind. It dabbles in inspiring artists and motivating heroes, but it’s not its official job)

⭐️ Sexuality: able to appreciate one’s beauty, slow to fall in love

⭐️ Powers:

• can hypnotize people, not really to make them do its bidding, they just stop whatever they’re doing and stay in a daze for anywhere between fifteen minutes and six hours. So more like.. can stun people?

• can turn nightmares into dreams. And the opposite.

• can manipulate your dreams. Keep this in mind.

• it can sense other people’s desires, dreams or fantasies, but very vaguely. It can also sense the need for validation and not know what exactly needs to be validated, it could be work or gender or appearance and it wouldn’t know for sure.

• if lavender is burned in Sen’s name, it will know of your dreams or wishes in full and with clarity and consider fulfilling them, or at least sharing some advice through your dreams.

⭐️ Weaknesses:

• very sentimental, will most likely prioritize emotional bonds over its actual job if pressed

• slow-minded in the waking realm - easily caught off-guard

⭐️ Appearance:

Sen loves to wear formal clothes, and its partially human form has a corked bottle full of small pieces of paper for a head.

It takes on different forms to fight extremely persistent bad dreams or entities who cause mischief in the dream realm, but whatever the animal, it has sharp teeth to devour nightmares and a large number of eyes to watch over its dreamers and wishers.

In all its forms, Sen smells of lavender.

⭐️ Personality:

• quiet and slow, but not reserved by any means

• its advice can be somewhat cryptic, but unlike other entities, Sen will usually offer explanations if you don’t understand its vague advice.

• a caretaker at heart, it will adopt anyone it comes across, it is very easy to talk to, but also accepting of even the weirdest stuff because it has seen some wild dreams and fantasies. Whatever you tell it, it will keep an open mind.

⭐️ Backstory:

Since the moment creatures on Earth could think, they could also dream, and they could wish and hope. The world was cruel, cold and raw back then, and so they wished for safety, and they hoped for better days to come, and they dreamed of warm embraces and calming melodies. They invented ways to sleep soundly when sleep would evade them, they surrounded themselves with lavender and drank warm milk, and it is said that Sen was brought into existence to serve the same purpose, to care for those asleep and lost in their own minds for the night.

It knew of its purpose the moment it first formed, and was overwhelmed by the desire to help, and to care for the tired and drowsy and sleepy little creatures. It took pleasure in the way they smiled and laughed as it remodeled each nightmare into a dream, and as it promised better tomorrows.

Later, as Sen wished to help more, it decided to take on another task: fulfilling dreams of another kind, hopes and wishes that people dreamed of making a reality one day. It is a tricky job, as Sen often has to be the judge of whether certain wishers deserve to have their dreams fulfilled, and whether some wishes will even be possible to fulfill at all. But it does its best, and is incredibly joyous every time it helps another soul be happy.

⭐️ Extras:

– has a habit of assigning stars to other members of the pantheon for fun

– is drawn to the ocean

– has extensive knowledge of deep-sea creatures

– loves when people decorate its name with stars/moons/planets

— 🌙