PWYW rendered illust comms!



9 days, 7 hours ago



I'm currently offering PWYW rendered illustrations comms as I need some more examples to open up the commissions properly on vgen :D 

I will be taking 2 slots, and am going to be choosing based mostly on character designs rather than money offer for this. I wanna draw designs that interest me, I hope you understand!

I will take payment once I've done the sketch and sent it over to you.
Depending on the offer amount, I can also do a payment plan (via paypal invoice ONLY).
Payment will be via Ko-fi OR Paypal.

These may take me some time as I'm still new to rendering and creating finished pieces aaa
The example below took me 6 hours orz; and I do currently have a commission queue so it may take me a few weeks/months to get this completed!
I will keep you updated as often as I can though!

Please note that I can only draw human(oid)s and can attempt at flat faced anthro (but I have never drawn these before!!)
Art will likely be bust up, but I may push the boat out and draw more for some designs/offers. This will be at my discretion.
If it helps with your offer, I am planning to make these somewhere between £30-£40 each.
With this in mind though, I would love to hear your opinions on this pricing! I'm not sure if it's resonable or not for rendered bust !!

My home currency is GBP(£), so please keep this in mind when offering!

please provide images for reference!!
Pose ideas: Optional, but extremely appreciated. Welcome to provide multiple!
Payment: Paypal invoice or Ko-fi