


Basic Info


Lorano (he/him)


Shapeshifter who prefers the simple life of a cat.


Laid-back, chill, charming, flirty, gentleman, kind, generous, adventurous




Lorano is a shapeshifter who prefers the simple life of a wandering cat. He is pretty laid back and chill about everything. Lorano loves taking naps and purring at people to give him food or a nice warm place to sleep. But he remains a free heart, and does not appreciate being locked up. Luckily, he can simply shapeshift to get out of troublesome situations. However, he prefers to keep his shapeshifting a secret, and therefore only uses that ability if it's absolutely necessary. Despite being a stray, Lorano cares a lot about keeping clean and taking care of himself. Due to his looks, he is often mistaken for a house cat and left alone by authorities. He is unafraid since he knows he can get out of most situations with his shapeshifting ability.



  • Lorano was born a human, but prefers to live as a cat
  • Lorano likes to meet new humans who can pet him and pamper him
  • Lorano loves getting snacks
  • Lorano is an excellent climber, and usually likes to traverse the city up on the rooftops since he does not have to be afraid of birds of prey Lorano can speak human language as a cat


Flame | Little brother

Flame is Lorano's little brother. Lorano comes to visit him every now and again when he happens to be in the area. Flame used to also be a shapeshifter before turning undead. Lorano misses the days where they were together, but also knows that Flame prefers to stay in one place, which he doesn't like too much himself.