Kraleth Daystar



5 years, 7 months ago




can be found on Wyrmrest-Accord US

Theme song


Abandoned on the streets of Silvermoon soon after he was born, Kraleth was found by a passing blood elf and passed onto the closest orphanage. He was named Kraleth Daystar on account of his shock of firey red hair. He was alone a lot growing up, the other orphanage children saw him as strange because of his unnatural obsession with fire that started at a young age. He'd take to staring into open flame for hours on end, silently watching the embers pop and the colours flicker as the heat danced over his skin. When he got old enough to understand the world a little better, he took to hanging around Murder Row to pickpocket unsuspecting folks, petty theft. He'd decided to save up for tutoring to be a fire mage when he was old enough. 

Kraleth got in trouble with the authorities a few times, even spending some time locked up for theft. He quit doing that when he thought he'd saved enough for his planned tutoring. Just before he planned on leaving, he got hasty and tried throwing together some basic fire spells, messing up and setting both of his hands and arms on fire. Someone found him pretty fast, called for help and he was healed, but didn't escape the ordeal without heavy burn scarring on both his hands and forearms. It didn't put him off his obsession though, when he was well enough he basically laughed it off and went about getting ready to set off and find himself a tutor. 

The only one who saw him off was the matron of the orphanage who'd grown fond of him, yet worried for him because of his one track mind and airheadedness. Despite her worry, he set off with a wave and went about gathering information on a local fire mage tutor. He'd gotten some good tips, however, he also managed to get lost and forget most of the information on his way. He ended up in the wrong place and found a Warlock tutor instead. Without knowing this, Kraleth asked the tutor to "Please teach me fire!" which the tutor took as a request to be taught the ways of destruction warlocks. Kraleth's training began, all with him being clueless and not questioning anything. He was happy enough to be taught fire magic, so he cluelessly disregarded all warlock type lessons that he was shown, not realising for the entirety of his training that he was not, in fact, becoming a mage.

Despite all this, Kraleth was happy enough when he completed his training, setting out to find something to do, something to test his new skills on. He made his way to the Horde capital, being accosted almost immediatley upon arriving to partake in a quest (A "Hey, you there! You look capable enough." type deal.) And so, Kraleth's quests continued in much the same fashion, being roped into quests, building up his skills, staying airheaded and naive throughout, but managing to amass a decent amount of gold, reputaion and supplies.

Kraleth has brown skin, deep red hair, scarred hands and arms and wears a robe of deep purples, reds and golds. His rings are enchanted (though he's forgotten what most of them do), he has an enchanted bag on his hip that has an infinate amount of space inside for his supplies. His robes are also enchanted to be fire proof.