Rowan Darkshield



17 days, 1 hour ago


Traveling Spheresmith

Rowan Darkshield


Male [He/Him]

Elysia [Custom region- Italy]

Panromantic / Ace

Chaotic Good

Friend ball!
Spr_5b_079.png 【Bonguri】 Starter Pokemon / Lvl 5 Slowpoke
Undetermined Gender [Water/Psychic]

Bon is Rowan's first partner pokemon! Gifted to him by his father Roland Darkshield, Rowan caught her with his first ever pokeball he had ever crafted along with giving it a bandana that matched his cloak. Bon is a very calm little guy and is friendly!
Spr_5b_043.png 【Yache】 Second Pokemon / Lvl 5 Oddish
Male [Grass/Poison]

Yache is Rowan's first pokemon he's catched! Met in the swampy waters of route 1 outside of his hometown Startwine, the leaf bitten oddish was after his packed snacks, which was his ultimate downfall as the food tricked him into getting caught! Dispite seeming like he'd be a lot to handle, he's actually timid and shy, often found sleeping during the day.
Spr_4d_Egg.png 【-】 Pokemon / Lvl ? ???
Male/Female [?]

no one yet!
Spr_4d_Egg.png 【-】 Pokemon / Lvl ? ???
Male/Female [?]

no one yet!
Spr_4d_Egg.png 【-】 Pokemon / Lvl ? ???
Male/Female [?]

no one yet!
Spr_4d_Egg.png 【-】 Pokemon / Lvl ? ???
Male/Female [?]

no one yet!
Personality Often seen as very happy and cheerful, Rowan is very charming and easy to talk to! Striving to help others, he is always ready to solve problems in creative and unique ways. He however can be a bit stubborn and sensitive. He loves nature, woodworking/spheremanship, and card games, but does not like the colour yellow, loud noises, and arguing.
Rowan can often be found fiddling with things or tapping his fingers against each other during interaction. To friends and family, he is often seen being very cooperative and willing to listen to what anyone really says to him, he even treats his enemies with kindness too. Regarding pokemon, he treats them as friends- their happiness and well being is his to care for, and treating a pokemon horribly is not what he likes!


Roland and Talia Darkshield settled down in Startwine with the spark of inspiration to start a farm and small family in a welcoming community. After a few years of starting their business and getting income, they were overjoyed to learn they would be able to have their first child, whom they named Rowan. Talia and Roland were overjoyed, teaching him what they had learned spanning from taking care of the pokemon they had to the crafting of different things. Rowan from a young age always had a fascination with woodworking and crafting items, which his mother Talia encouraged him to sell his small little creations for others to enjoy!
As a teen, Rowan did start to struggle with his identity- despite knowing he may inherit his family business or simply keep crafting items- he wanted to try something new. Using his crafting skills, he enrolled into a program regarding spheremanship which sparked a new flame within him. Crafting his first pokeball, his father proudly presented him with a slowpoke for him to use the pokeball on- in which he successfully captured. He named the slowpoke Bonguri, Bon for short, and the two started the long line of friendship- Rowan wasn’t quite interested in putting Bon into battles so many years in his teen years he and Bon continued working on crafting pokeballs.
Upon graduating from the program and being an adult, Rowan and Bon took over with helping his family’s business of selling goods and woodworked items- but soon he realised that he needed a change of pace- he had lost himself and what he once loved. Saying goodbye to his parents and leaving the business in the hands of his smart and lovely younger sister Rosalind, Rowan and Bon went out to finally adventure and craft pokeballs out of apricorns!
  • Age 34, height 5'6", this man has NEVER adventured out of his hometown, Startwine, at all.
  • He has a younger sister, Rosalind, who did the adventuring while he stayed home to help his parents Roland and Thalia.
  • [1/1/24] Start of Rowan's adventure!
  • [6/24/24] Rowan catches Yache!
  • This box will be updated over time when important events happen that should be recorded! :)

by VairaSmythe