


8 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Universal and timeless; music is a language everyone can speak, and which can have a big impact on anyone. Especially during modern times, we can see how it greatly affects us and almost nobody can live without it. So, in an attempt to tower the other once and for all, Demons and Angels reach the Earth under the disguise of singers and musicians, battling each other with music to influence with their beliefs as more humans as they can!


Pastiche: is a work of visual art, literature, theatre, or music that imitates the style or character of the work of one or more other artists. Unlike parody, pastiche celebrates, rather than mocks, the work it imitates. Metaphorically describes works that are either composed by several authors, or that incorporate stylistic elements of other artists' work.


Name: Pastiche
Species: demon
Occupation: main musician for the PYP

Pastiche is a very chill and laid-back demon, usually preferring the company of her own hobbies or laziness than others. When creating the band, she didn't really feel like singing and being in the spotlight like Caprice and Rhapsody, preferring limiting herself to play whatever instrument was required. However, that doesn't mean she can't sing; in fact in her free time she mainly covers songs and uploads them on the net, being quite popular on internet.

She's usually very quiet, and speaks only when really necessary. She has a passion for videogames (especially action ones, Caprice says it's scary to see her getting top scores in mass-killing games while Pastiche keeps a total deadpan face), watching tv, be them movies, series or anime and firearms, she can often be found cleaning up her guns or practicing with them.
Is also very lazy though, and isn't really very productive overall. That, and when she tries to do something she's usually quite clumsy so she sees no point in being active.

In the band, Pastiche helps also on the creative side, with lyrics and whatnot. She's also the one who came up with the band name, "Pick Your Poison", reflecting both the fact that the band is multi-genre and the ideals of demons to let humans pursue free will and pick their own path (mostly because they hope that, not feeling bound to rules/morality and following just their wants, humans will be more easily swayed on their side).