Sending some over! I'd prefer if you send over humans and humanoids and pokemon, but I'm fine with sending characters with equal quality ^^

Sending 1!

I'll send 5 over from alastors_radio :3 I like anthros (mainly cats and ferrets), any humanoids (gijinkas the most) and ferals (mainly cats)! Also I'm looking for bipedal pokemon :3 I prefer light/pastel/earthy ocs from neon/bright ones(brown, pink and green are my fav colors on ocs!), I also like various accessories!

i'll send a few to ya! I just prefer furry characters though feral is fine as i can just draw them as a furry :)

Sent one

I like humanoids, avians, dragons, masculine beans, but feel free to go completely random

Sent Some

I am looking for feral Characters that have interesting designs, preferable feline/canine type ferals

Sent some! ^^

What i like

Femboys (or just any male that has a major female look. I just love that sm- ;-;"')



Fluffy bois

No brests (they make me so uncomfy- I hate them)

Mainly males but females are fine as well! ^^

G O A T S 🐐 

Scars (I love scars sm-)

Crappy Backstory 

I'm ok with NSFW

Gore or lots of blood

Long tails



Any LOZ inspired OCs 

Goth/Emo characters



Sending two!

i prefer dragons/furry ocs!(Feral are fine)

I have some! Let me send them to you right now! I don't really know about your preferences, so imma send some in mass if thats okay

I'm mainly looking for male OCs. Preferably anthro, but I can also accept humanoids and humans! Feral are the least wanted for me

I can send 3 if that's ok I like feral or anthro btw ^^

oohh, i just have a character that i need gone, sending you rn! at the moment i’m more interested in anthros (been drawing a lot of sighthounds/dogs lately), ferals are ok but only dogs (will probably redesign them as anthros)

Sent as well ^^

thank you so much! ^^

I'll send 3 I need to get rid of!

Feral or anthro please!

I love cartoony or semi realistic types but I'll take anything that i can make into an oc! The amount of art doesnt matter either, I do want it to be a clear image (people have sent blurry characters to me before)!

Sent! I changed cow because I just realized it's a bit blurry 

Thank you so much!

sent 2 i'm unfortunately no longer attached to :c have no preference except humanoid please

are you accepting all ocs?


do you mind if I send many? I have so many ocs and I would just like new ones haha

Not at all, you can send multiple 

okay, the only pref i have is to receive natural feral designs, but anything works really! i just want fresh faces

Sent right now ^^ sorry for the delay, I was at work 

1 Replies

Would you maybe be interested in a "Mass" mystery trade?

I have a LOT more characters I disconnected from and am looking for some different ones!

In case you'd like to look at what you could get: X

Sure thing. I have a lot of characters I'm not using anymore as well on both accounts. Feel free to send some ^^


Anything but humanoid if possible ^^

Sent ^^

sent one :3!

Sent as well ^^

sent another one!^^

my pref is male humanoid/masculine, or just humanoid if you have any :] any quality is fine but I prefer MQ-HQ

Sent ^^


Sent another! :>

Sent as well :)

Ty! I’ll let you know if I find any more to send ^^

Thank you as well! I'm always open for trades ^^

1 Replies
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I sent some back ^^ 2 from this and 2 from my alt account 

Hello! I can send some! I'll send my preference here!

Foxes (specifically anthro I don't do well with feral), weird (no object heads), fish (any anthro ones), monsters, ponies


Unfortunately I couldn't find any fox in my folders, but I hope you like others I found the closest to your preferences ^^

Yeah! But I don't know what I'd do with tubbo(?) If that's their name ^^"

Hii!! I like pink, purple,blue and designs with stars! If you'd like the character that I send to have more art I can do a couple for you!


I sent one. Hope you like it ^^

Yess they're cute tysm!

Hi!!! Do you have any humanoid ocs that you could send over? I’ll send one in return of similar quality or whatever you’re looking for :)

I have one. I'll send it to you in a second 

Got it! And one should be pending! :) 

Hi! I'll send you one! Feral cat please or full humans. No antro please. I don't use them at all. 

Sent from alt acc ^^

I like human/humanoid, and anime fandom ocs ^_^

Sent from my alt acc ^^