𝟎𝟎𝟐 ‣ Pomunna



5 years, 8 months ago



Name Pomunna the Progenitor
Alias Mona, The Goddess Progenitor
Age Ageless ( appears ~29 )
DoB n/a
Gender Nonbinary
Pronouns she / they
Height 5'7"
Build Endomorph
Race Originator (God)
Origin ???
Role Deity of Life
Alignment Lawful Good
Demeanor Gentle, soft, all-loving
Theme TBD

"Living is not something you merely do by way of the breaths you draw ; to love is to live ; to be alive is to be loving, and loved."


  • nature
  • bitter foods
  • ambiant noise
  • waterfalls


  • unnecessary destruction
  • sour foods
  • disrespect of nature
  • conflict



gracious forgiving motherly judgemental smothering stubborn

Motherly and tender, Pomunna is the idea of what a nature god should be -- kind. Forgiving. Unwaveringly gentle. But even so, that who they know as "The Progenitor" is not as perfect as they perceive her to be. They say that the Originators crafted all species in this world in their image -- given that, would it not only be correct that the gods themselves are also flawed, as everyone on earth is, as well ?
Nonetheless, Pomunna is depicted in many folklore and fairytales as an all-loving, all-forgiving, all-knowing deity; while true, this does not necessarily mean that she is all-perfect. Pomunna, in actuality, can be judgemental; she refuses to take to those who go against her philosophy, even if said philosophy may admittedly be a little flawed at times. She is stubborn and headstrong, though this also makes it hard for her to back down when she realizes that she's wrong -- if she can even realize that she is in an argument, at that.

Despite her reputation as a motherly figure to all, Pomunna's form of love can come off as overly endearing to some, and outright smothering to others. She does not know how to love in moderation, though this also means that she is often blinded by bias when it comes down to it.

Despite all of her flaws, strengths, and all in between, Pomunna is nonetheless a kind figure, whose heart only yearns for the best. She is selfless and willing to forgive all those who plead for it. Her motto is "love, always".

For love is a force stronger than any deity.


Not much is known about the origins of the Progenitor Goddess. There are many theories as to how she was born, but it seems that it varies from culture to culture. Nonetheless, it is known that she created much of the natural world, before seemingly vanishing. Not much else is known about her, however. And perhaps it should stay that way...



Charisma 90%
Kindness 100%
Temper 15%
Integrity 70%
Courage 75%
Humor 25%


Attack 70%
Defense 90%
Magic 100%
Resistance 100%
Speed 60%
Stamina 75%


Appeal 100%
Confidence 95%
Intellect 100%
Manners 100%
Optimism 100%
Luck 40%



Garden of Eden

Wherever Pomunna treads, grass springs to life, and flowers will bloom. These are not just regular plants, fuelled by sun, dirt, and rain. These plants will thrive wherever love is evident. A lack of love and an overabundance of unnecessary hate will cause them to die.

Life Touch

Should Pomunna will it, any creature that is newly deceased (the maximum limit is around 25 years, it seems) will come back to life if she touches it, as if nothing happened. Similarly, wounded individuals will have their injuries healed by the same way. However, this power also brings with it a terrifying downside if the mental state of the deceased cannot handle being yanked from the land of the dead back into the living realms ...


  • Likes soft things, including cottons, flowers, and general softness as a concept ... however, she is much more stern than one would expect, because she wholeheartedly believes softness is a choice
  • It is not known if she created the Originators, or if they were born alongside/after her. Despite this, she is definitely the very first one, according to lore and mythos.


At odd's ends



Despite being a fellow Originator, Qaiues's lack of words and seeming lack of disposition and decision cause Pomunna to be wary of them. She doesn't seem to like it when people don't have anything to say for themselves, and it doesn't help that Qaiues's role in the pantheon is to be an arbiter ...

Like-minded, but...



At a base level, Seraphina and Pomunna get along pretty well, considering how similar they are in nature. Where they differ, however, is how strict they may be when push comes to shove; whereas Seraphina is more compliant and weak-willed, Pomunna can be more stern. This contrast is often the root of disagreements the two of them have. At a surface level, both Originators are amiable towards one another.

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