[NFT] Abelardo



8 years, 4 months ago


NAME: Abelardo
HEIGHT: 5'11"
WEIGHT: 144 lbs
OCCUPATION: Theater Actor


  • Cash - SO
  • Vincente – Splice child/bound
  • Valentín – Splice child
  • Tao – Friend
  • Nobu – Acquaintance


Dauntless and energetic, Abelardo is one to tackle obstacles head on, and always with respectful, yet brutal honesty. He’s friendly and enjoys nothing more than meeting up with friends and strangers alike to partake in some coffee and a good conversation.   He’s open-minded and easily thrown into the hubbub and excitement of another person’s life through their tales.

He is, however, incredibly talkative—in fact, an outright chatterbox. A request for silence doesn’t help matters either—he simply can’t help himself. As such, his words can get him pinned as dreadful company for those who cherish their space. It doesn’t help that when agitated or upset, he can and will be a gigantic drama queen.



Originally commissioned by a famous dancer, Abelardo was meant to assist and teach at his owner’s dance academy as both an instructor and an assistant. However, a year or so after he began working, his master fell ill with the apparition of osteosarcoma on his left knee. This required Abelardo to take on more of his work—both as an instructor and with regards to administrative duties within the dance academy. It did not take long for the cancer to become metastatic, and soon after Abelardo found himself without a master.

His master’s brother offered the grem a position in his theater troupe—assistant and administration duties, mostly. He assisted in planning tours and keeping tabs on their finances before he pleasantly discovered his love for acting. From there, he was offered small roles, receiving vocal training and experience in the field, and after an eternity of hard work, he became one of the front runners of the troupe—taking on major and even primary roles within the showings.


  • He's an incredibly skilled dancer.
  • He can sing too!  And he loves nothing more than a good musical.
  • Loves bowties.  Win his heart via bowties.
  • Collects unique handcrafted items such as jewelery and masks.