
[Some parts are blank as I just wanted to get her background done for Art Fight, will come back after!]

Name: Reyna

Nickname/ Title:  Flurry (Varric, until I can think of a better one)

Gender: Female

Race: Elf 

Age: 34 

Height: 5’2’’

Eyes: Blue but gain a green hue as the Anchor spreads

Hair: Naturally black, turns white upon experimentation but then goes back to black but with a little bit of green, again, an affect from the Anchor

Affiliation: Inquisition

Personality:  Reyna is independent, sometimes broody, and not one to be very social, She’s not one for religion but does like to hear stories of the Elven Pantheon. She tends to try and lean more towards logic in her decision making. She gets sassy and angsty, with a bit of a potty mouth, but usually doesn’t let much get to her head. She hates being called the Herald of Andraste. 



Reyna is both a Rogue and a Mage, wielding a bow that is also a mage staff. 

She's more proficient in her archery skills than magic.

She has a knack for ice magic  and enchanting her arrows.

Reyna has the Anchor which can open and close rifts, but it's slowly taking over her body as time progresses.



Reyna born a Dalish Elf but abducted by a Tevinter Slaver as a fairly young age and given to a mage known as Faust. Faust lived near Lake Calenhad in Ferelden, in the far, lower end of Crestwood. He is well versed in Blood Magic which he uses to experiment on Reyna. These experiments resulted in altering her appearance to that of a human to hide her better- turning her hair white, rounding her ears, wiping her memory, but also sealing away her mage abilities. Faust wanted to be able to use her elven blood and have control of her magic for his own desires. However, he didn’t go far when he was discovered and being pursued by templars. He fled in a rushed manner, abandoning his experiments to escape Ferelden. 

Reyna was left behind before she could fully awaken from the long slumber she endured as Faust performed his experiments. But found by an elven woman named Syrie, whom had grown suspicious of the apostate living near her. But being an elf, no one would believe her if she said anything, but being the young mother she was, Syrie brought Reyna into her home to live alongside her and her daughter, Arianne, who is a little younger than Reyna. 

Syrie had taught Reyna how to use a bow and survive on the land, through hunting, fishing, gathering, and so forth. She would later pass down her sylvanwood bow to her. Syrie had also taught how to properly steal and pick locks, but also demonstrating to Reyna to only take what she needed. They had later become extra cautious when Arianne’s mage abilities came too, creating ice to preserve their food. Unfortunately, Syrie later passed from an uncured illness, leaving both girls to live on their own, Reyna growing super protective over her sister. They didn’t have much and other villagers of Crestwood often ignored or bullied them and other less fortunate villagers, more so after many relocated to new, reformed Crestwood on the higher hills. 

By the time of the Fifth Blight, Arianne had gone missing about a month before. No one had bat an eye, including the Mayor who had much disdain for Reyna. Reyna, herself, grew increasingly paranoid once word of the Blight had been announced and her sister had still not turned up yet. Then, the darkspawn invaded old Crestwood, where many were ill and dying of the darkspawn corruption (also known as the Taint). Reyna struggled to defend against the darkspawn and as she was fighting and ogre, a sudden flood broke through and swallowed the entirety of the old Crestwood. The darkspawn were swept away, along with the other poor villagers, some took to the tunnels to evacuate only to meet their fate with dead ends. 

Reyna was swept far away from the village, hitting her head as she struggled to escape the heavy current and falling into unconsciousness. She woke up somewhere along a coastline, where she encounters a shapeshifting apostate named Flemeth. Reyna doesn’t really know anything about deities of importance and didn’t know anything about who this apostate truly was, aside from an old but powerful witch. Flemeth make snarky remarks and spoke in riddles, revealing that Reyna had been unconscious for the duration of the Blight as there was a new King and Queen of Ferelden (Alistair and Lady Cousland <3 ). But Reyna didn’t care about that, she needed to go back to Crestwood to search for her sister. 

That’s when Flemeth advised against going back, as she knew Arianne would not be there and that returning would only be useless. Instead, the witch used her magic to give Reyna directions of where to go, a vision of Antiva City planted into her mind. Only then would she be on the path to finding Arianne. 

A decade passes and Reyna finds herself spying on the Conclave, where mages and templars were gathering after the events of Kirkwall. Reyna believed that she might encounter her sister there as her sister was a mage. But with the events of the Conclave, Reyna found herself stuck with the Anchor and stuck with the reforming of the Inquisition. Reyna outright refuses the title of Herald of Andraste as she doesn’t care for religion or really any faith. In her stead, Scarlet Trevelyan, a noble, took the mantle of Inquisitor, since she was more experienced in political/ formal affairs. At the time, Reyna had also met Solas, whom she didn’t like much in the beginning but formed a strong friendship with him. 

After encountering Corypheus at Haven and reaching Skyhold, the Anchor begins to weaken the Seal that was placed on Reyna when she was young and her eyes gain a green hue. Then, when on Inquisition business, she finds herself back in Crestwood. After going to the dam and draining the water from the remnants of Old Crestwood and taking care of the rift that was causing trouble for the village, Reyna and her party- Solas, Varric, and Hawke, a spirit guides them to Faust’s ruined home. There, they find papers from when the mage had received her from the Tevinter Slaver and learning of the seal that was placed on her. In order to break the seal and revert Reyna back to her true self, they had to find and confront Faust. Which they did with the help of Dorian and Leliana, finding him amongst the Venatori at Adamant Fortress. 

Reyna fights Faust alongside Hawke, the power of the Anchor increasing until finally breaking the seal upon physically entering the Fade*. ( at this point I haven’t yet decided who stays behind in the Fade, I was going to go with Hawke bc I know they are more than capable of making it out but with recent news of Veilguard, I’m not too sure rn)

After returning from Adamant, Reyna finds herself spending a little more time with Solas as her mage abilities have returned to her. She trusts him to teach and help her learn to use them properly, but to also go into and explore Fade**, just as he had done many times before and finding herself more interested in learning about ancient history and stories behind ruins and old buildings. Her bow is also altered, doubling as a mage staff.

At the Exalted Plains, Reyna does find Arianne in the Dalish Camp, but her sister has no memory of her….Knowing the dangers ahead, Reyna silently gives Arianne her farewells, leaving her with the camp where she’ll be safe. Before returning to the Inquisition camp, she takes a moment, at a Fen’Harel statute to let her feelings out as she’s not one to break down in front of others.

[More will be added as I write more, but Reyna and Solas do become romantic but I personally still need to play through and actually experience more of the Solas romance route but I do know what happens in the “end” bc I was spoiled with Trespasser lol but Solayna/ Reylas however I’m going to call it, is a pretty comfy pairing for as long as it lasts] 

Theme Songs:

Some useful/useless info: