
5 days, 23 hours ago


i made her to be an apex predator on an alien planet in my universe. her species is made up of only females who reproduce asexually, they are highly intelligent and solitary species who are extremely protective of their young. mama bear on roids basically. her spines are toxic and her skin is very stretchy making it impossible to pierce. she can regurgitate the acid in her stomach which is insanely corrosive and has a rainbow look to it.

She does not breath aiy and has no nose however her lounge has scent glands so opening her mouth allows her to smell essentially. she is able to camouflage herself rapidly and can become completely invisible to even thermal imaging as she can change her temperature to match her surroundings. the only thing she cant change is her eyes which she simply closes as she can use her superior hearing, taste and feeling to move around while stalking prey.

she recognizes her hatchlings by the pheromones they give off, these pheromones are exactly the same as the ones human children give off, her species will adopt any and all young they deem unprotected so its possible for her kind to snatch human children mistaking them for their own young. the children will remain unharmed however retrieving them would be a very difficult task as her species is highly aggressive and defensive of their young.