Merga (02 | ♡ LightningWitch)



Lightning Witch

Lightning Witch
Ship Data
GameDevil May Cry 4 onwards
Height Difference2 inches

Apparently we can't get anything as simple as a candle lit dinner. I even spent for this outfit!

— Trish, Devil May Cry 4

Lightning Witch is the pairing between Trish and Merga from the Devil May Cry franchise.

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Merga and Trish met each other shortly after the events of Devil May Cry after Dante introduces them to one another. Merga, sensing Trish was a demon, was suspicious at first and sparks flew almost immediately had Dante not stopped Merga from throwing the first punch. The tension was quick to dissipate after the two women worked on a mission together and found that both were cordial despite the slight competitiveness. TBA YOU KNOW THIS IS NOT DONE


One would not really think these two are a couple at all. They act more like close friends rather than romantic partners. However; both women are rather more touchy with each other as compared to other people. They both never really sat down to discuss their relationship, and just took it as it went. The most they have come to 'discussing it' is Trish teasing Merga about her affections and the latter not denying and occasionally laughing at Trish for liking the affection. They're both okay with this and though Merga wishes for a little more, she is willing to extend because she has fallen for a Demon.

They're competitive, but never ended up being hostile from the competition being too heated. However; Trish likes to push Merga's buttons if it means seeing the latter put in more back into her fighting. Trish would rile her up by teasing her and steal her kills, while Merga would retaliate with using her magic to keep Trish in place and watch her while she decimates their enemies. They like to have fun during missions and have come up with come coordinated attacks themselves. It's come to a point they have a little "dance routine" where they're fighting demons while trying to be stylish.

Intimacy and affection is mostly initiated by Merga in the first place. Trish is not averse to receiving the affection from Merga, but she just doesn't initiate. However; Trish is also the one to be a little more playful in her interactions with Merga, and this mostly shows in the heat of battle. They share plenty of banter in and out of demon hunting. Trish, not being taken to showing tender affection, expresses her care for Merga by looking out for her and keeping her out of things she feels would overwhelm the witch. Trish, despite being a demon, knows within herself that Merga has more value to her than other humans, and that her sense or morality is insignificant if it means keeping Merga from death.

They also like to enjoy things outside of demon hunting. Merga plays a big part in Trish's spending habits as far as shopping goes, and Trish likewise plays a big part in Merga's style choices. Trish has found herself liking to dress to impress Merga, and outdo her on occasion. Merga finds this endearing and often documents Trish's looks and further enabling her. Also, they're notorious in teasing Dante. It's a hobby they have and they like to tally how much they've one-upped Dante like it's a game. It's a weekly thing and whoever wins in the end do the other's bidding. It can go from trivial things to full on missions.



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By the end of Devil May Cry 5, Merga has helped Trish get back into shape by sparring with her and working healing spells on her in order to accelerate her recovery. While Dante and Vergil were still out of commission from being trapped in the Underworld, Merga helped Trish maintain Devil May Cry and stayed to be the PR and manager of the place while Trish and Lady went out on missions. Though, Merga herself needed to answer some demon cleanup missions of her own. Eventually, she and Trish worked things over with Lady so the three of them ended up taking turns looking after the place, keeping Morrison safe, and actually going out on missions.

Because things have been much more quiet now with Dante's temporary disappearance, Trish and Merga have managed to actually sit down and live their lives normally outside of hunting. Since then, Trish has been more open to Merga's teasing affections and is willing to reciprocate those with playful jabs of her own. She has come a long way in becoming her own person, and she shows a more genuine side with Merga even though it's not tender.

Before Dante's return, Merga has been able to take Trish out doing normal things, taking her to stay at the Garden of Eden on occasion. The change of pace was nice for Trish, and it helped her get a sense of what she herself liked to do outside of hunting without Dante's company. Upon Dante's return, Trish already had a decent routine with Merga and was often switching between Devil May Cry and the Garden of Eden, much to Merga's delight.


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Profile by Erandia
Edits by Glasses-Dog