


5 years, 8 months ago





Name Fjalar Heathcliff
Gender (Trans) Male
Pronouns He/They
Age 18
Sexuality Queer
Occupation Former Heir/Vagabond
Voice Claim Ash (Fantastic Mr. Fox)
Theme Lay Me Down


Fjalar is the wayward son of a powerful conservative, old-money family that holds a high emphasis on the ruthless pursuit of capital and political influence. Upon learning the terrible secrets his family was hiding, Fjalar leaves, unwittingly starting a journey of self discovery and acceptance for himself in a world his family sought to destroy.


As a result of a childhood full of abuse and dysfunction, Fjalar is described by many as a complicated mess. On the positive he is intelligent, loyal, passionate, and even funny, on a good day. but the other hand... He is an utter asshole. He is an irritable, impulsive, defiant, prickly ball of emotional constipation and his cynical outlook in life makes it hard to work with him. His unapproachable demeanor and tendencies to lash out quickly gave him a well known, negative reputation among peers and adults alike. But to many, he doesn't seem to care.

Despite his harsh personality and distrust of the world as a whole, Fjalar does have a softer, more vulnerable side of him. Only those who have managed to break down his walls know of these vulnerabilities. Fjalar is devoted, supportive, and at his core a person desperate to be loved. He isn't above a joke or two (mostly at the expense of others), and has difficulties reading people and social situations, which often leads him to misunderstanding others or vice versa. Despite some shortcomings, he does have a natural talent in many areas, being able to pick up on concepts quickly and apply them into real world scenarios.



Fjalar's gryphon guardian, Hehkuva is the one Fjalar often confides in for emotional support, viewing them as a parental figure he can trust for advice and comfort. They are able to communicate with each other via a form of telepathy, and can be some distance away before the communication breaks off. The two of them have an incredibly personal relationship, and are rarely seen without one another. Because of how acute their bond is, the two are able to perform difficult maneuvers and put full trust in one another because of how in sync the two of them are, in thoughts and decisions. They are a duo through and through.


Being two Loners from different worlds, their friendship has a rather rough start due to a misunderstanding within their first encounter. But after some time and apologies the two end up just gelling together well. Fjalar pretends not to enjoy his company a lot more than he actually does, and puts up with Oren's innuendos and terrible jokes. In spite of the front it’s clear that there is something real there. Feelings that frightens him so he masks under eye rolls and sighs.


Fjalar's relationship with his mother was complicated to put it lightly. Keara had a lot of unresolved trauma from her own childhood and carried that pain onto her son, seeing him as an extention of herself rather than viewing him as his own person. Any deviation to the high expectations Keara instilled onto her son was met with harsh punishments and screaming matches. And yet in spite of this, Keara was one of the only present mother figures he had to rely on throughout his adolescence. She taught him many skills that have later become important for his survival in a nomadic life from teaching him how to shoot a gun, hunting, preparing meat, sewing, and much more. Fjalar did and still holds a lot of love his mother, but those feelings are complicated due to their relationship being that of a rollercoaster of mental abuse. It was only after an incident where Keara died and left Fjalar disfigured that he began to process the extent to how much she has hurt him. Despite all the pain that was left, Fjalar still finds himself greiving for the loss of his mother even years after the mysterious arson incident happened.


Growing up Fjalar remembers his father as a stranger in their home, a man who was vaguely hostile as he was distant. He'd often try to obtain his attention and approval, but was often met with a turned gaze or contempt. It was only whenever his lover, Finnegan, was around that Gael would offer even the slightest resemblance of attention, however surface level it may be. Fjalar grew to hold a lot of resentment towards Gael's disinterest/superficial affection. Although those negative feelings are requited, Gael only keeps Fjalar around because he feels like he has to; throwing Fjalar out in the streets wouldn't look good for the image he made of himself in the community, and it wouldnt do any wonders to the tumultuous relationship he already has with his affair partner. While Gael maintains a calm and indifferent persona in public he is shown to be more cold and negligent to Fjalar behind closed doors, The two often avoided each other in their own home until an incident which killed Keara forced him to confront the responsibility he has and take him under his wing. Fjalar and his father currently do not have a good relationship- almost all of their interactions involve them antagonizing each other.

Name Meaning

"An Old Norse name which derives from 'fela', meaning 'to hide/conceal'."

"A red rooster in Nordic Mythology that is said to herald the onset of Ragnarok."


Due to nerve damage, Fjalar doesn't feel pain the same way he can in the parts of his body that weren't burned. His vision is also a bit impaired in his left eye.

Fjalar technically started off as a HTTYD oc in 2015, hence his old nordic name.

Fjalar was a rather clumsy child. He has many small nicks and scratches covering his body from times he had tripped and fell when he was younger..

The rare times Fjalar does sleep he usually does so around Hehkuva, the contact helps prevent him from having PTSD induced nightmares most of the time.

He has a bit of a mid atlantic accent due to it being taught to him in school. He gradually loses it as the story progresses.