


2 months, 16 days ago





Name Their true name is impossible for humans to pronounce, so they just go by Star or Taibu
Gender Genderless
Pronouns She/They
Age Ancient
Sexuality Pansexual
Species Galagtic Vixen
Occupation Drifter
Residence Comfort Manor and her den near the Vulpecula constellation

"Welcome to the Comfort Manor!"


Star, or Taibu to her closest friends, is generally happy and a bit hyper in personality. She gets easily excited about things like dinosaurs, movies and toys, and could be conciddered a bit childish. She does have more of a serious side to her, but it is usually only waken when absolutely needed. She shows all of her emotions in excatarted matter, screaming and yelling loud when happy or angry, squealing and babbling when she sees something cute, and going as far as to foam at the mouth when she sees something she really likes. She is an embodiment of a cartoon-character. She often speaks in memes and vine-quotes. She loves to sing, even if she isn't very good at it. She loves to draw and write, though no-one knows how she manages to do so with literal paws. Taibu is very protective of her friends and only shows her imperssive powers when absolutely necessary. She rarely shows sadness to others, preferring to retreat to her own space whenever she gets super sad or upset about something.


Taibu is a Galagtic Vixen, and like her species, looks like a regular fox, having soft and smooth fur, but the fur has a pattern that resembles a starry galaxy. Her primary colors are hues of blue, violet and purple, though it is possible to see hints of teal and pink in her fur as well. Over the colors, you can see hundreds of white stars. Her ear-tips, tail-tip and the fluff in her ears is bright white. She sometimes had white paws, a white belly, white stripe along her back and some white on her nose as well, but not always. Her eyes are black with white irises. She has a curly tuft of hair on her head, her cheek-fur points downwards and her chest-hair points upwards. Her colors and star-patterns are constantly moving and swirling like a real galaxy would (so drawing her patterns does not need to be consistent). While the stars also move around along the colors, she usually has some on her cheeks, looking like freckles, as well as on her shoulder and hips.

Species information


Galagtic Vixen are one of the many Galagtic species that inhabit the outer-space. Due to their good camouflage, they are often missed by space-explorers as they fly past them. Usually living in small groups or solitery, Galagtic Vixen, or Star Vixen, build their nests into small asteroids or dead stars. Their nests are filled with stardust and gives them a soft bedding to sleep. Like some other galagtic species, the Vixen are also very intelligent, comparative to humans. They prefer to walk on all fours, despite being able to use their front paws like hands. When the vixen die, their bodies turn into stardust, only leaving their teeth behind, suggesting that the only solid part of their body are their teeth. Star Vixen teeth often sell for a lot of money, and though people usually only boy them for aestethic reasons, some say that the fox teeth attract bad luck, while others say they keep away evil spirits.

Mating and Reproduction

The Galagtic Vixen are genderless, like many of their fellow galagtic animals, and do not reproduce on their own. Like many of their peers, they are born from the stardust created by supernovas or other cosmic events, like sunstorms. It is not strange to find some Galagtic Vixen pups pittering about after a supernova. Star Vixen start out fully white and then develop their colors and patterns as they grow older, usually around the time they are ten thousand years old. Vixen pups often stick together, and some become solidary after deveoling their colors and maturing fully. But like many of their fellow sentient species, they too crave relationships, and some may choose to become mates and even adopt younger Glagtic animals as their children. Those born from the same patch of stardust often concidder each other siblings, though they have very little connection to said siblings as they grow up and go their own ways.


Like other Galagtic animals, the Star Vixen are very powerful when compared to humans. They have great physical strenght, but what makes them impressive is their magical abilities. Being made of stardust, the Vixen can change their appearances in any way they wish. They can grow in size, or shrink if desired. They can change their colors, seemingly on a whim, and even take a form completely different to their usual one. Some even change themselves to look like humans or other animals. Some vixen can teleport, or have great speed they use to travel around the galaxies. They have great hearing and sense of smell, though their sights are often worse than other galagtic animals. They are also very intelligent and some are known to pull up tricks on people and other animals. Many vixen even show interest and talent in arts. Mostly the Star Vixen are known as a harmless species, but they can become a danger if they are angered enough.


Star was born alongside her "siblings" when a supernova happened some lightyears from Earth. She grew up with her four siblings and after maturing, left to find her own way. She happaned by Earth, and was imedietly interested in it's culture and nature. She soon realized that her appearances poked out like a sore thumb, so she changed her apperance to a more normal fox. She traveled the world, learning from humans and animals around her. She was very interested in families, and wanted to try to have one herself. But not in a way that most would think. Instead, she made herself look like a baby fox and waited for someone to adopt her. Much was her surprise when a female cat, and a male bear adopted her out of blue. The odd couple had been friends since their youth and wanted to have their own family, so finding a lone baby fox worked for them perfectly. After some time, Star started to feel bad for her adoptive parents not kowing her origin and wondered if she should tell them. She didn't get much of a choice when a pack of wolves attacked her adopted family, almost killing her new dad. Angered, Star took her true form and scared the wolves away. Now she needed to come clean about her origins, but thankfully her adopted parents didn't seem too mad about it. They were just happy they were alive and that their daughter was okay. After some years, the family found an orphaned raccoon and adopted them as well, giving Star a baby sibling she doted. But, being a galagtic creature, making her almost immortal, Star had to eventually watch her mortal family die of old age. She has not gotten another family after that. Instead, she started to endulge in pop-culture, falling in love with many worlds and characters. Learning how to use her magical abilities, she managed to create a magical pocket dimension she came to call "the happy place". She then learned how to access other dimensions and begun to gather her favorite characters together in the place she calls "Comfort Manor". She lets the characters visit their home universes whenever they desire and they have come to view Comfort Manor as kind of a vacation-home they can go to whenever they feel stressed out or sad. Star, despite being powerful, has sworn off from taking part in the happenings of her favorite characters' worlds', as she thinks that would be abusing her powers. Star occasionally visits her den near the Vulpecula constellation, but usually she hangs out on Earth or at the Comfort Manor.


Star/Taibu is my fursona/self-insert-oc/alter-ego to use in art and videos etc. Despite this she has her own quirks in characters, like being genderless and using she/they pronouns (I identify as full female and go by she/her), or being pansexual (I'm Aegosexual myself)

Star loves chocolate-milk, pizza, spaghetti and video-games. Her favorite being Pokemon.