


6 days, 21 hours ago


age / dob
oceanid / human hybrid
war weapon
Date created
may 2024
A song that echoes past the doors of time...

Her eyes were blue, like the sea. Her soul, unknowing of time. She slept, in a dream. A dream, where time never passed. A dream where the sun never rose. She dreamed of a world that was, and a world that it could become.

Created to bring peace to the world, Estreya was a project of hope. She was the answer to the constant struggle between humans and mutants. But as she was created, her life was also cursed. She was kept in isolation, in a cold, dark chamber. She never saw the sky or felt the sun on her face. She never felt the warmth of a mother's embrace or the soft touch of a father's hand. She knew only the sound of her own heartbeat. As she slept, she dreamed of the world outside her chamber. She saw the beauty of nature and the kindness of humanity. She saw the cruelty and violence of war and the suffering of mutants. She felt a deep longing to be a part of this world, to make a difference. But her dreams were just that; dreams. Her mind was filled with knowledge of the world, but her heart was empty.

Then, one day, she was awakened from her slumber. She was finally free from her chamber and set foot onto the soil of the earth. She took her first breath of fresh air and felt the sun on her face. She was finally free. But freedom comes at a price. The world she dreamed about is now a reality, and she must face the challenges and dangers that come with it. She must find a way to fulfill her destiny and bring peace to the world.

intuitive passionate altruistic guarded perfectionist aloof

  • She has a habit of hyper-fixating on things she finds interesting.
  • She enjoys many things that she never experienced as a child; food, music, art, life!
  • Appears detached but is very emotionally connected to people and certain objects.
  • Gets overwhelmed in environments with a lot of people and prefers calm, quiet areas. Drains very easily.
  • Not comfortable much around men due to childhood trauma.
  • Sea life
  • Fairytale stories
  • Sweets
  • Being cold (cold sensitivity)
  • Loud, sudden noises
  • Lonliness

Estreya was created within Enuxis labs; a scientific branch of the leading human biotechnology company. She is known as “Project Warbreaker”. Kept in isolation, underground, in an incubation chamber; she grew in a comatose state. She never interacted personally with anyone and only developed an attachment to a few humans, one that she considers her mother (Lilianne) from the times she woke up slightly.

Project Warbreaker:

  • A project conceived and directed by a female scientist, Lilianne Rojavertí, a female scientist within Enuxis labs division. The core idea behind the project was to establish a bridge between the old and new world. One that would end all wars and bring eternal peace between all people. Though this project was greenlit, it quickly was met with challenges as higher ups only saw the potential power had rather than peace.
  • Lilianne constantly pushed against the opposing direction and advocated for the positive potential the project had. The constant back and forth caused much confusion on what exactly the project was and what direction it was headed in. There were setbacks, funding cuts, and over the years, it deteriorated and almost abandoned entirely.

The mutant rebellion discovered documents regarding Project Warbreaker. Believing it was a war ending weapon the humans were building to destroy mutants, it was decided to infiltrate the Enuxis labs and take the weapon for themselves. Believing the project was a massively strong weapon, a mutant rebellion infiltrated the lab to steal it. Instead they found Estreya. Confused but among the chaos of battle, she was taken. And for the first time ever, she set foot outside the decaying and cold chamber.

After awakening, she's very aloof and timid. Estreya is an information sponge and is intrigued by all the beauty of the outside world. Although her mind was injected with much data on the world and its history, it doesn't compare to real experience. The effects of being in a coma for so long has made it hard for her to open up and she sometimes seems to be in a trance-like state. She also seems to harbor a mysterious illness that causes her health to slowly deteriorate periodically. During this time, she is constant pain and is unable to move.

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Physical Notes
  • Under her hair is a gradient (blue → pink). Eyes are also gradient of the same color.
  • Ears similar to humans, but slightly downward.
    • Example of an indented dot point !
  • Two moles on chest area.
Motifs & Symbols
  • Elements of water (shells, pearls, scalloped fabric, waves, fish, etc.)
  • Biotech, engineering, labs
  • Galaxies, stars
  • Brahma Kamal flower
available links
Lover. Relies on him for everything.
Creator and mother.