


5 years, 8 months ago


Warning - this was my 2010, gary sue character. he was made as my first ever oc and has been messed up a lot thanks to OP fights with my rp friends where we would try and make the most op character possible. 

image credits: the art he has never even once been drawn by me. most of the time its coloured in by me off someone else's lineart. 

he once lived near a monster-infested forest with his mother and father Jessica and Grayson, they adopted Chimera when they found her as a pup, her parent were both killed by monsters. him and his father then travelled a lot together and they helped others until his father was killed, he was so upset that he couldn't stop his fathers death that he never returned home, he has fought in many worlds and in many battles which is where he got his scars and lost his old happy and hyperactive personality that he was so well known for. latter on his mother was killed by monsters but only Chimera knows this.

title: edger is a master of space, a lot of places they call him a god although he really hates this term. really his job is to protect any creature that needs it and help good win, hell even fight in wars just to stop some bad guy from winning even if he has no relation to anyone or anything there.

necklace: his necklace basically keeps him alive, if its ever taken off and he dies hell die for good, but with it on he regenerates (not at all like doctor who)

watch: this was a gift from a princess on his homeworld, it basically keeps track of everything for him and helps him direct were he teleports

powers: he can shapeshift into anything but he can't mimic others, he only turns into his own special version of the species, usually colouration matches his wolf form which is the form he was born with. he can also teleport anywhere