Amari Kumagai



10 days, 11 hours ago


Name 熊谷甘利, Amari Kumagai
Race Human
Gender Female
Age/Birthday 30+/September 22
Height 185
Hair Color red
Eye Color no one has ever seen them
Affiliation Demon Slayer Corps
Base of Operations everywhere, Swordsmith Village
Occupation Swordsmith

adoptive mothers
younger adoptive brother and cousins

Japanese VA -
Theme link a song


Jewelry, wind chimes

Walks in nature

Other traditional crafts like pottery

Singing, Music




Politics, power struggles, corruption

Bugs, especially flying ones


antisocial . proud . strict

Amari is a skilled and dedicated female swordsmith who likes to conceal her feminine features for convenience and ease of movement. She is passionate about her craft and works closely with demon slayers to create and refine their weapons. She is proud and assertive when it comes to her work and often wants to see with her own eyes in which ways her creations lack. She listens to criticism and strives to improve, but she can also be stubborn, if she is certain that her way is more beneficial.
Outside of her work, Amari is quite antisocial and easily flustered by a lot of people. She prefers to appreciate them from afar, as she harbors insecurities about her height and muscular build, feeling out of place in societal expectations for women, which is exacerbated by remaining unmarried "at her age." If she, however comes to bond with someone, she can be quite intense, as she is eager to share her thoughts and interests.

Combat Style: any weapon

As a swordsmith who likes to venture outside, Amari needs to be able to defend herself and can't always rely on a demon slayer to accompany her. She is able to wield any weapon she creates, albeit far from expertly, but she likes giving them a test run to get a feel of what they're lacking and how to improve them.


☆ Amari has a habit of humming random little songs while working. It helps her focus and maintain a steady rhythm.

☆ She finds great joy in creating jewelry and wind chimes in her free time and sharing them with friends. She has a collection of wind chimes made from different materials, each tuned to produce a unique sound that resonates with different elements in nature

☆ She likes to experiment with unconventional creations and blend traditional designs with modern innovations to create weapons that are both functional and aesthetical. Her most notable creations are Gyomei's spiked flail and axe, Tengen's dual cleavers and Asahi's scythe, as well as a nichirin bow and arrows and a flute.

☆ She has a fondness for colorful socks and leg warmers.

☆ Her favorite time of the year is late summer/early fall for its balanced warmth and the rich colors of the changing leaves. She often incorporates autumnal motifs into her designs.

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