Ryker Amarante/Rainbow Biker



6 days, 5 minutes ago


-Ryker Amarante-

-Age: 22

-Gender: Male/Non-binary

Pronouns: He/They

Sexuality: MLM

I do think this character does dirt-biking, he likes simple tracks and or the verrrryyyy tight fit trails that you have to know before you even DARE do any tricks or races on. He has a inflated ego- he backs up his chatter about how he is the best and his stunts are oh ever so cool- with actual proof though sometimes he does get into accidents- or have minor injuries but that doesn’t stop them from immediately trying said stupid and irresponsible- trick >v> they’re openly gay and is not ashamed of it in the slightest- they will flaunt that fact about himself to anyone and everyone that is at arms reach- he finds himself attractive and is confident in their looks and personality- is that a good thing? Sometimes_ but that does make it hard for them to take criticism or any form of negativity in his lil “I’m so great and awesome and look at me and my cool ass rainbow gear-“ bubble, they are a bit of a goof tho- silly and playful, likes to be the life of the party and does occasionally go to meet up with bikers he’s met and befriended along his journey. He’s single- hasn’t seemed to met the one nor does he think he ever will- he travels a lot and is known as a VERY expressive and passionate individual which tends to paint them as self absorbed since they speak highly of their opinions and is blunt when it comes to any topic brought to him- he’s a VERY open book. I do think he comes in a family with MANY siblings being the middle child of god knows how many by now- so he wasn’t really acknowledged or praised for his accomplishments (it was hard to earn anything when he was a kid so even the simplest awards he took pride since it was something-) so he thrives to perfect and also push himself for extraordinary tricks and fast records. I do think as a cute lil fact to end this lil ramble is he was inspired by crayons when he made his suit- and it was because when he was 8 his mother bought them and his siblings a crayon mixer- it’s a little machine they used to melt crayon colors together to form a “mega crayon” but they never thought what them and their siblings conjured in that (probably hazardous) device was any pretty- nonono- they thought the crayola boxes were pretty since they sometimes had the faded/mixed colors of the rainbow on it and so he implemented that into his suits style/look :>>

His theme song since I view him as a Disney dork that likes the goofy series-

Song- 2 (Eye To Eye) by Tevin Campbell

He would shamelessly play this whenever he entered a competition if there wasn’t any potential lawsuits by doing it- :,DD (Adding onto this- his boyfriend states “Stand Out“ is a more accurate theme song for him and Ryker denies it but deep down knows it’s very much true-) I wanted to bring this character to life so here! uvu