Agent Shutter



5 days, 20 hours ago


Name: █████ Shutter

Age: Adult

Height: 187.96 cm

Pronouns: He/Him

Shape Type: 


History: Used to be much friendlier personality wise, until one night, he and his partner, ██████, were close to solving a pivotal case. Suddenly, they ████████████████████████████████



This event affected Shutter greatly. He still refuses to replace the broken screen on the back of his head and any attempts to assign him a new partner have been met with resistance. He's still one of our best detectives, with his committed work ethic, logical analysis, and unique skill set solving some of our most difficult cases.

Dutiful and hardworking, not prone to leaving things unfinished or doing things halfway. Direct with his thoughts and feelings. Very responsible and isn't afraid to acknowledge his own mistakes. Practical and calm in almost any situation. Can tend to be a bit judgmental and insensitive. Has a strong sense of justice. 

Powers/Abilities: His photographic memory paired with his ability to print photos of said memories makes gathering evidence very easy. // Is in possession of a Thompson Submachine Gun lovingly nicknamed "Tommy." 

Other details: Has notable disdain for Elevatia and the Navigator Stars but has never said why. // Currently mentoring Clarity. // Enjoys caffeinated drinks. (Perhaps a bit too much.)