Oriana Travis



5 years, 9 months ago



  •  Name  Oriana 
  •  Age  275 
  •  Gender  Female 
  •  Birthday  January 
  •  Height  5'7" 
  •  Home Planet  Silphora 
  •  Home Region  Wellspring Island 
  •  Species  Vesnian 
  •  Element Affinity  Enigmus 
  •  Familar  Lilac 
  •  Relationship Status  Single 

Optimistic - Curious - Naive

Oriana grew up and lived on planet Silphora with all the other fairies of her kind. She was born on Wellspring Island like other Vesnians and when she made the change, her crystal turned purple and to everyone’s amazement. Oriana’s purple gem meant that she was an Enigmus Fairy and if she practiced hard enough, could control all the elements. She would have to stay on Wellspring island and learn under the Elders of Silphora to unlock all her magical abilities and to become an Elder herself some day.

Every year she would join Vesnians from all over Silphora for the grand festivals and this was the most anticipated event of the year for Oriana.She gets to see her friends and take a break from the endless training. The pressure of being an Enigmus Fairy could be a lot sometimes and this was Oriana’s chance to relax and have fun. 

hey all met up in the usual spot and in particular this year, Oriana had something rather interesting to show everyone. As the day went on, Oriana mentioned something about a strange book she found in the restriction part of the library. Oriana was even more excited about her findings by seeing her friends just as interested. The festival would be the best time to go since everyone would be busy so Oriana led the way to the library.

They all made their way to the restriction section as quietly as they could. Fortunately they made it in without a sound. Oriana led them all to a large old book that did not look all that exciting. As Oriana flipped through the book, she started reading some of the pages, picking out what Oriana found most fascinating.

As Indigo flipped a page, Adrian snapped the page back saying that she wasn't done reading. They started fighting and everyone else tried to calm them down. What the girls had not noticed was that the book started to glow and before they knew it, they were being sucked into the book.

When Oriana opened her eyes, she found herself in an unfamiliar place. It wasn’t long before she started to make connections and figured out they were on Earth. Oriana always wanted an adventure and it seems like she got her wish!

Mood Board ArtFight


  • Her Friends
  • Adventures
  • Helping others
  • Festivals


  • Fighting
  • Studying
  • Destiny
  • Staying inside


  • Reading Fiction
  • Exploring
  • Day-Dreaming
  • Practicing Magic