Sammy (Captain Samson)



24 days, 17 hours ago


Hehe yes, little Sammy does become Captain.

Design note:

Despite being captain he does not wear a hat. There is a reason for this but I won't explain it.

If drawing you can use this design or his younger design. No preference to which one. Both are canon so completely up to you. 


He was first mate in the epilogue under Captain Jack (hehe like pirates of the carribean - that was completely unintentional). After the events of the epilogue, strange things started happening. Ship's would sink mysteriously out at sea, some of the oldest active crews just vanished, and a lot the remaining crews disassembled. 

He walked beside his Captain on to the safe haven island, only to find that the safe haven is no longer safe. It had been taken over by the queen and her fleets. He watched his Captain get dragged away by a panther. Samson was able to just barely escape, but he doesn't forgive himself for abandoning his Captain, like he did. He is unsure what fate Jack met, but he doubts that it was anything good. The panthers face - spotted with one white mark, still haunts him in his dreams. His crew doesn't know what happened that day. And he can't tell them. It will be best if they don't know about the panther or his fleet. They'll just stay away from them, then they won't need to know, there'll be nothing to be afraid of, right?

He returns to the ship as Captain, but something changed. He seems much more closed off and cold towards his crew then he was before. The crew don't like talking to him anymore, and he often speaks harshly at them if they are bothering him. He spends most of his time alone in the captain's quarters, looking at maps, trying desperately to figure out a way to stop the privateers without needing to engage them. He couldn't bear to loose his crew the same way he lost his Captain.