Earl Eisenhower



6 days, 3 hours ago

Basic Info


Earl Eisenhower




Vampire (Formerly Human)










Part-Time Performer


You can find his song here!

"In the searing heat of Tombstone, Arizona, in the dead of August, sat a young man atop the back of a frightening creature. Strikingly batlike, with eight-ringed eyes and a tail ending in an almost halberd shape, the end metallic and could easily cut diamonds. These two, Earl Eisenhower and the Vani-- Azhsanguimyr, had known eachother since Earl was around 23, and proposed a deal after learning of Earl's fear of dying; "Work for me, and you will never die of old age. Spread this disease far and wide so others may too know of eternal life." And so he did, using both his syphons-- fangs, if you will, and a needle-gun amplifier. The contraption possessed the ability to spread vampirism, with a caveat; a potent neurotoxin few could survive. Those that did survive, would spread the toxin every time they bit someone, ensuring certain death in most cases."

In the searing heat of Tombstone, Arizona, the town regularly acts out their history for tourists far and wide. Earl was one such performer, and loved his job. However, on Halloween night, his 23rd birthday, after the day's work was done, Earl had met his Vani, discovering he was a Tether to a creature known as Azhsanguimyr.
Azhsanguimyr gave him an ultimatum: Earl could face his phobia of death by being granted immortality. He would never grow older, so long as he could get some blood to survive. So, dressed as a wizard, he descended upon the outskirts of town to find his first "victim," brandishing his amplifier at her, with no intention of using it per se-- although, he recognized immediately he should not be doing that.
She survived being drank from and turned, soon realizing she was lucky to accept the offer, as those hit with the amplifier died in record numbers.
Tombstone was already a small town, but one or two missing people turned to 30, then to 120 and so forth. Eventually, running out of spare blood or thralls that were not already claimed, the survivors scattered elsewhere. The historical town had become a ghost town, not unlike other desert cities like Salton, CA in decades previous.
But sat in the town hall, was none other than Earl Eisenhower, the city populace almost entirely Earl and his thralls, save for tourists unaware of the situation or curious about the goings-on.

The girl he initially met, who he first bit, ran out of there like a bat out of hell. Earl doesn't know where she went, and it's unlikely he would care.