
3 months, 5 days ago


Name: Visto

Age: Older Adult

Height: 172.27 cm

Pronouns: He/Him

Shape Type: Star (Elevatian)

Occupation: Navigator Star

History: Used to help recruit new heroes to send on journeys, but then switched to teaching newer Navigator Stars. Helped Startemis and Astrollo after their parents died. He has been presumed dead ever since the Halolite incident.

Personality: Strict but also caring. Pushes people not because he thinks they're lazy, but because he can see the potential within them and wants to help them reach it.

Powers/Abilities: Standard Navigator Star abilities

Other details: Was good friends with Astrollo and Startemis' parents // Knows a lot about the different aspects of Star magic. // Enjoys writing and sketching in his journals.