


8 years, 4 months ago



Name Sato Goro Gender Male
Kanji 郷五郎 Blood Type B
Age 17 years old Birthdate April 1st
Height 150cm Breed Chnchilla Persian
Class Year 3, Class 2 Clubs Kawatani Hockey Team, Flower Arrangements
School Kawatani Koko Type Statera
Personality loud
Concerns Hamasaki-san seems to be afraid of him despite the 40cm height difference...
Likes domo
sharing lunches
Dislikes being stared at


Sato Goro is the fifth born in a family of seven children. Though not all of his older siblings live at home, they typically visit often and mostly live close by. His eldest sister, Moriko, lives nearby with her boyfriend, and his eldest brother, Arata, lives at home again after completing university. He also has an older sister, Suzume, and an older brother, Takumi, who are both in university, though Suzume is attending school close and visits, while Takumi is too far for frequent visits. Goro also has two younger brothers, a 14 year old named Ryota and a 10 year old named Shichiro. Though his parents are around, they are somewhat negligent to their children, typically claiming they're too busy or drained from work to spend time with them. Though the older siblings, particularly Moriko, looked after the younger ones, even the siblings themselves aren't as close as they could be, and often prefer spending time on their own or with friends than with each other. This homelife leaves Goro somewhat desperate for validation from others, wanting to feel important to someone.

Being close in age to so many of his siblings, Goro struggled to recieve enough attention at home, and turned to trying to get attention at school. His grades were too poor to accomplish that, so he turned to acting out. Trouble wasn't ideal, but at least it was attention. People had to pay attention to him when he made a spectacle of himself. Goro has been doing as much for ages, still going about it now in high school. He's managed to tone down with age, and with hockey to use to keep himself occupied, but he still has fairly regular visits to the principal.




Rank ★★☆
Class STAT
Element Air
Buff ●●●○○
Purification ●●○○○
Debuff ●●○○○
Illusions ○○○○○
Pacify ●●●○○
Teleportation ○○○○○






Hamasaki Akiteru

[ very big crush and best friend ]
He Love this boy

Kobayashi Anju

[ unitmate ]

Koizumi Emiko

[ unitmate ]

Ishida Tomomichi

[ team captain ]


  • goro loves being annoying and getting a rise out of people. he wants people to know what his personality is like off the bat, and isnt afraid to tease or bait other teams or players before matches, often coming off as childish. even though this personality carries over on the ice, he takes the game very seriously as well, and definitely wants to win.
  • despite his dedication to the team, he often skips practice in favor of spending time with the flower arrangement club. he thinks gardening requires too much patience, but he likes plants in general; especially cacti. 
  • loves fried food
  • right forward / pest


Character owned by aerioi
Design by kiba
Profile coding by wicked