
5 years, 8 months ago


Taro the Cheshire Cat


Name Taro
Called Taro, will come to anything
Age 21
Gender Female
Height 5'2"
Build Short, curvy
Species Cheshire Cat/American Medium Hair
Status Taken by Rhaokros


Taro thinks highly of herself, and is very confident in though it took some time for her to understand and believe that. She is not afraid to voice her opinion only when the timing is right, well, when she thinks its right. Shes very argumentative, and has a mouth on her and will argue with you about something for days, not because shes mean but because she knows what is the right answer, or the right way. Though, she is very respectful of other peoples views and opnions, and she values them. Taro isn't blind to her own opinions, but though she will tell you the absolute truth whether you wanted to hear it or not.

Though she is so brutally honest, she is a wonderful person and an amazing friend to have. She always wants to go out for an adventure, whether thats into the city for a whole day out on the town or a day in the woods. She values her time with friends and family immensely, and holds it close to her heart. She has only a close circle of friends since she is highly picky of who she interacts with. She knows what her love and trust is worth and doesn't give it out freely. If she see potential in you, she will give you the chance and see if you are worth her time.

Taro projects confidence and strength every where she goes, but deep down she is an introvert at heart. Only the closest people she trust know this. She is self conscious of herself, and worries about almost everything she does and it weighs on her. She is confident in her body, but she has moments where it gets hard for her. Though Taro has an exceptional attitude, she is deep down very sensitive. She does not like it when voices are raised, or when she makes a mistake. When she gets upset, she starts to yell out of frustration, and pure emotion thats mostly been bottled up and when she can't take it anymore. At times like those, she gets out of control, and her temper flairs, and shes a bucking bronco of wild emotions.

With her being introverted comes her little quirks. Shes very nerdy. She enjoys reading, painting, art, music, singing, and cooking and baking. Shes an aspiring pediatric nurse, and enjoys reading medical books, articles, and shows in her free time. She can be up till very late at night reading just random conditions or medical terminology, and it can hold her attention for hours. At least once or twice a week she bakes goodies and tries new recipies, like cookies, brownies, and cupcakes, that she then shares with her friends and family. Also, at times she cooks a full new meal from scratch that they enjoy, and she loves to make. She will make art in her free time when she is feeling a little creative or gets a spark of creativity. While painting or making some kind of art, she is most definietly listenting to music. She doesn't have a specific genre she likes, she listens to everything. But she grew up on country, and classic rock so she feels more a connection to those.

Her hobbies mostly are for comfort and relaxation. Taro is deeply spiritual, not relgiously. She meditates often to calm herself like in times of anxiety, or before bed. She is not the one to believe in essential oils but, uses them for moods and relaxtion. She believes in crystals, tarot readings, native american cultural practices, astrology, and energies. She will not ever talk about these things unless specifically asked to, since they are personal.


Alignemnt True Neutral
Sign Leo
Enneagram 6
Flower Roses, Iris, or Daffodils
Element Fire



  • Attention
  • Gourmet Food
  • Late Evenings
  • City Life
  • Sweets


  • Rude People
  • Extreme Weather
  • Hard Work
  • Raw Meat
  • Needles


  • First and main sona as of 07/29/19 (D.O.B)
  • Favorite Food: Seafood and Fast Food
  • Favorite Drink: Starbucks and MilkShakes
  • Favorite Movie: The Conjuring Series
  • Favorite Singers: Taylor swift, Carrie Underwood, Halsey, P!ATD, Green Day, RHCP, Eminem, Camila Cabello, Frank Sinatra, Selena Gomez




Look What You Made Me Do
I Did Something Bad
Killer Queen
you should see me in a crown
Woman Like Me
Mad Hatter
Shutter Island

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