Gabriel Zorrilla



5 years, 9 months ago


Name: Gabriel "Gabi" Zorrilla

Age: anywhere from 17 to 24?

Genre: modern "gifted/mutant" setting

Species: metahuman

Orientation: gay

Occupation: student; part-time volunteer at an animal shelter?

Abilities: Empathy; latent emotion manipulation

Physical Description: 
A little taller than average, and might be considered lanky seeing as he hasn’t exactly built up much muscle. A lot about him is soft. The tallness to his forehead and gentle slopes to his cheeks give him a bit of a baby-faced look - despite the worry lines that are already starting to develop along his brow. Hair is black, curly, and kept short; thick eyebrows and eyelashes. Complexion’s a warm brown that could use a just a bit more sunlight. 

He likes to dress in bright colors, but nothing too adventurous. His style can be summed up as bright and tidy. A sensible cardigan boy. Messenger bag weighed down with books, red converse just starting to get holes worn into the toes. 

Far, far too nervous for his own good. And a pushover to boot. When his cousin gets him into trouble, he’ll be protesting all the way, ”Angel the sign said ‘Restricted,’ we can’t be here, we’re gonna get caught, and I think I heard something, wait don’t leave wait for me--” but he’s a natural follower, and will always end up going along with things he’s not comfortable with. Which is most things! He’s got these powers, see. And they’re weird ones, but at least he can keep them hidden well enough. He’s kept his head down, and gotten very good at it. Very content to pretend at being a normal human with a boring life ahead of him. He doesn’t like to stick out too much or do anything that could draw attention to his abilities. From friends to family, the only ones who know what he can do are his parents; and they still aren’t entirely certain what to do about that. 

Abilities Description:
To put it simply, Gabi can sense the emotions of others accurately and precisely. It’s something that comes naturally - as easy as if he could see their emotions written plainly on their foreheads as they walked by. But it’s also something which has taken time and effort to rein in, use properly, and keep from getting becoming a hindrance on his everyday life… it’s tougher on some days than others. 

Here’s some ways in which his empathy can manifest:
1. Reading. he can read the emotions anyone around him is feeling, even if they've completely hidden any outward signs of it. And this is often something he does automatically with surface emotions; it takes concentration for him to delve deeper and sense any faint emotions or emotions pushed to the back of a subject's mind
2. True Empathy. wherein when he senses the subject's emotion, he feels it himself as well, however strong it may be. This generally ain't fun, and though it can give him perhaps a little more insight, it won't help him know why the subject is feeling those emotions; he's not a telepath. He tries to keep this from happening, but it's tough.
3. Emotion Manipulation. to calm the anger or sadness a subject is feeling. to strengthen a faint emotion and bring it to front of the subject's mind. or even to instill an entirely new emotion in them, whether that's happiness, fear, doubt, or complacency. Gabi, again, is a pushover. He generally lacks both the backbone and the desire to try to convince someone to act according to what he wants. And therefore personality-wise, he's far more likely to be influenced by the emotions of others forcing their way into his head. That said, it is a possibility - given some effort, training, and perhaps a shift in how he views himself and others. 

My other oc, Angel, is his cousin. They don’t live nearby each other, but they’re around the same age and their mothers are very close - so they ended up growing close too. Angel is a completely normal human, and his personality is the polar opposite of Gabi’s. 

Fluent in English, Spanish, and ASL. still working on Latin. what a nerd

current threads: none~
open to 1x1? yes
open to group rps? yes
settings: modern day world involving metahumans or modern fantasy
genres: any and all - esp. action/adventure, school, found family, light scifi, superhero(?), paranormal
shipping? males around his age only
plot ideas: -pbbbt-