


5 years, 7 months ago



Biologist who specializes in biomedical engineering, focusing mostly on nerve controlled prosthesis with a side interest in making weapons. She herself suffers from distal muscular dystrophy and seeks to develop high functioning prosthetics in order to one day negate her own illness. 

Shes prideful and driven, spending most of her time cooped up in her lab/bedroom, working on various projects. She dislikes going outside and interacting with others in person, the one exception being her brother who she lives with. Most of her interaction comes from people shes met online and through her brother, and she quite likes it that way. 

- Has issues with substance abuse and addiction.
- although most days she'll at least walk around the apartment, on days where her illness hits hardest she refuses to let even her brother see her.
- Incredibly prideful hates displaying any kind of weakness
- allergic to cats :( but has an affinity for crows! a trait she shares with her brother. she tends to keep the window open and leave snacks and shiny metal scraps out for them when working. she very much admires their intelligence and loves to just watch them when they come close to her
- doesnt like eating meat very much. Shes not a vegetarian per se but sticks mostly to non meat products and lean proteins if she has to
- once she figures out nerve controlled prosthetics, weaponized ones are next on the list babey. shes only human and who DOESNT wanna shoot lasers out of their hands
- incredibly creative and although she can be quite brash and hard to get along with at first, shes a good person to come to with your non-emotional problems.
- she's a people watcher. on the rare occasion she goes outside simply to spend time, she likes to just sit and watch. whether it be the crows that surround her apartment, people passing by on the street or her own friends, shes constantly observing and cataloging and analyzing information.
- if someones curious or ignorant on a subject they dont know much about, shes always happy to teach them. she admires and respects a desire to learn and is a surprisingly good teacher
- quite high strung. takes things to be much more important than they are and honestly just needs to learn to relax. its hard though. really really hard

- resentful, prideful, short tempered, harsh, awful coping mechanisms,
+ creative, efficient and driven, quick thinker, encouraging,