


5 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


early 20s








water genasi


Works at the Bar Mino started in Tsuga. A new hire because Soots dragged her in so she can have some kind of job while living there.

Very supportive! A good friend. Kind of bouncy and chipper a lot, and very positive. Has an affinity for the sunshine arena in Tsuga, that’s known for their daily fighting competitions. Constantly ranks top there. Strong. Unbeatable. Doesn’t put much thought into what she does, very gung ho about it. Don’t let her make plans, she will not even make a plan, she has one direction and its Go.

Trans female, Soots kind of helped her become more confident with her identity, and dress and such when she came to Tsuga. Just like Soots, she escaped with him when she was 18 years old. Being swept away by sea, she hits her head and washes up on shore of a small island that is mostly inhabited by sea-folk such as mermaids, sirens, tritons, and the occasional harpies. The sea-folk take Seabreeze to their cave and helped her recover, upon waking up Seabreeze doesn’t remember much other than she was on a boat trying to escape from something.

Sadly, the sea-folk couldn’t do much about it… So she decided to live a normal life among them. A few years later, around when she was 21 years old, everything rushes back to her when one of the sea-folk gets attacked by a hunter, and gets a large chest wound- almost similar to Soots’s wound.

After taking care of the wound, Seabreeze apologizes to the sea-folk, thanks them for the refuge but tells them she desperately has to find Soots. She gets on a boat and leaves and makes it to a port city- the same one Soots arrived to. Sadly, having no lead of where Soots is… She has to find a way to make money since she lived a money-less life with the Seafolk.

She heard talk about the sunshine arena in Tsuga and goes there to make money via fist fighting. Soon she reigns champion! Which, of course, soon is the talk of the entertainment district. Soots eventually hears about this, and attends a sunshine arena tourney as an audience member, and when she wins a fight he stands up and applauds for her; Seabreeze notices him out of the corner of his eyes, rushes to Soots and gathers him up in a hug, now reunited.