Lesbian bunny's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

DunkleJesse Global Rules

1e9e0f4b.gif?v=dfc17534hiya!! thanks for taking interest in my designs! i don't have a lot of rules, so i'd appreciate if you read through this at your leisure! 

1. if possible, please don't hide/private/delete my designs! or if you'd like to, please just let me know so i can keep track of who has the character even if i can't see it. i prefer to know where my designs are going, but you're also entitled to your privacy!

2. please don't use my designs to promote anything hateful/prejudiced or problematic! please do not use them for anything nft-related either, this is self-explanatory

3. please don't sell a design of mine for higher than the *original worth if you haven't added art or anything! if you've added art, by all means feel free to raise the price. *original worth refers to the amount i originally sold them for. if they were not sold originally, they do NOT have a worth and you cannot get money for them until you've added art.

4. you're totally free to redesign as you please, but i'd prefer you add yourself as a designer if the new design is no longer recognizable as mine! in the opposite direction, please don't add yourself as a designer if you haven't made significant changes :p

and that's all!! once a design is rightfully yours, you are absolutely free to do with it as you please and i will never attempt to bar anyone from that. thanks for supporting my work!0f358a8f.gif?v=dfc17534