


5 years, 7 months ago


gender: male
type: holy
rank: civilian 

personality: he is naturally curious about/has a deep fascination with the substance and robotic usagi types. Armin has poor self-esteem and believes that he was a burden to others, this has lead him to consider himself to be useless due to his lack of physical strength and skill. Being exceptionally loyal and selfless has caused him to be easy to trust and make friends with. He constantly worries for the safety of his friends and is always prepared to throw himself into dangerous situations to save them. He is very level-headed, trying to keep any situation under control whenever emotions get the better of any other usagi. Armin is a very analytical usagi. He likes to think deeply about situations and solve problems using his mind. These personality traits, in conjunction with his intelligence, good judgment, level headedness, ability to plan ahead, and the ability to come up with creative ideas and think outside the box are what make him a great tactician if a situation should call for it. 

It has been sen that he is often hard on himself at times. Armin is willing to sacrifice himself to achieve a goal and does not value his own life as much as he should, rather he values the lives of his friends more.

As kids armin was too timid to defend himself, meaning would often rely on his friends Eren and mikasa to protect him from bullies. He use to have a  frail physique but his friends helped him over come that, however he is still weaker than most. He hopes to one day become equal two his friends. He is not an extrovert or loud usagi and may sometimes become timid around others that are.  When he is suddenly thrown into a leadership role that involved being in the spotlight, speaking in front of other usagi and ordering usagi around, he can become quite anxious and momentarily froze up so he tends to try and avoid the spot light if he can.