Youta the Good Luck Pup.



5 years, 7 months ago


  • Race: Master (of Luck), Shiba Inu
  • Age: Ageless, but has lived as a puppy for 5 years.
  • Birthday: 06/03   
  • Height: 1'3" (about 38 cm)

Youta Kobayashi, or simply Youta, is the current avatar of the Master of Luck. He does have a more divine name and is referred to it by other Masters, but it's too hard for anyone else to pronounce. Youta takes on the form of a slightly pudgy Shiba Inu because he finds it charming and easily approachable. All that differs is that he doesn't have a mouth - he doesn't really need it and thinks he's probably much cuter without the usual slobber dogs have when they're excited. 

Youta's many powers are all linked to the idea of Luck - petting him will grant you good luck for half an hour, scratching his ears will aid in your decision-making skills, and if you're really stuck, he can manipulate the (w) of a choice, even if it was made years ago, to have a different outcome. The scarf he wears around his neck is also imbued with magic and will give anyone in need what they need most. However, in order to get his aid, you must show him that you have faith in him helping you and that you want to do what's right for humanity.

Youta's arrival on Earth five years ago was nothing spectacular. After consulting with the Ministers about bringing a little joy to the people they're constantly watching over, he got the get-go to wander around in the Material Plane, bringing luck to those who need it. He materialized a few feet above the streets of Kyoto, and shortly after falling to the ground, took a name for himself by studying his surroundings ("Youta" from a dog tag and "Kobayashi" from a storefront). Youta's helped many people over the years, from physical ailments to career trouble, to heartache, to even mental illness.


  • Youta's favorite food is oranges and is easily bribed by a sweet slice of citrusy goodness.
  • He still visits the Ministers and the rest of the Masters through the act of Astral Projection.
    • This is also where he comes into contact with a lot of sorcerers, especially those training under a minister.
  • Youta takes inspiration from a pin I own in real life. It's adorable.
  • The golden sheen in his coat is natural - it means he's The Ultimate Good Boy.