


5 years, 8 months ago


Bought from https://severalbread.deviantart.com

* **Basics:**

* **Name:** Originally Whimbrel

* Possibly Kestrel? Quincey?

* **Gender:** Male

* **Biological Sex:** Male

* **Pronouns:** He/Him or They/Them

* **Age:** 32 years

* **Appearance (feral):**

* **Height:** 9.4 inches

* **Weight:** 7.9lbs

* **Fur:** Mostly maintained. Not dirty, just scruffy.

-Length: Long

-Colour: Grey/Black/Brown

-Pattern: Classic Tabby

* **Appearance (Anthro/human?):

- Pending

* **Eyes:** Bright orange

* **Gait:** Normal

* **Voice:** Low, smooth, slow and calm, soothing

* **Personality:**

* Puts too little effort into things and too much into others; very often lazy but efficient and does the few tasks he takes on quite well; very hard to bother and rarely gets heated; lax and usually the one whose company is sought out by others

* Enjoys a good scrap and will brawl for fun; able to easily defend himself and is not frightened easily; but has a distinctively feral fighting style, using teeth and claws in very non human ways-- but at the end of a friendly fight will always go back to his regular relaxed demeanor as if nothing changed

- this makes him very unlikely to ever have a second spar with the same partner as they usually are put off and frightened by his savage and unrefined fighting style; not that he notices, really, and does not think much about it

* Boyish and pig headed sometimes, he will be more likely to try foolish and oftentimes dangerous stunts for no other reason than he wanted to, really; unafraid of putting his own self in danger, he is careless when it comes to assessing situations and is not a wise companion to keep around when exploring or in a dangerous area as he is more likely to injure himself or someone accidentally; he does not care, though, and finds more pride in being able to say he's lived through dangerous situations than being able to avoid them cautiously altogether

* A quite large dude, he is quite intimidating without meaning to be; broad shoulders, large chest, and a ruffled pelt on top of a very respectable height can cause some to feel naturally uneasy or at a disadvantage just at first meeting; usually his friendly and enjoyable personality shows through and soothes people's nerves, though

* Great sense of humour, a good listener, and someone who enjoys giving life advice, he is one whose company is often requested just because of his amiable nature and ability to get along with most anyone, even more gruff or aggressive types; this, however, is a double edged sword, as he can also befriend both positive and negative people while not defending their honour or actions at all; someone with good connections, he rarely learns about a newcomer he has not heard of and his natural curiosity makes him instinctively move towards getting to know them

* **History:**

* "He was born to older parents, but they died before he could really get to know them.

He was only about 12 years old at the time. "

* Started off with a small family, no siblings, only to lose his parents when he was twelve years old; has no memory of them