
6 days, 56 minutes ago




Name Raun
Gender Male (he/him)

Age Adult
Pack Valkaman Väki

Species Wolf
Occupation Hunter

Raun is a successful hunter, charming and kind individual who is the type to help old ladies cross the road (or like, hunt for them since they are canines). Considered to be quite the average ‘perfect’ guy, perhaps even too perfect. Raun cares for his aging parents and hangs out with other folks in the pack, but despite being popular enough, he has more acquaintances than true friends. Raun, however, does not seem to realize this. He is the golden child of his family, especially now that his brother Rahko (c Sankko) got injured in a hunting trip (it was partially Raun’s fault but he never took responsibility for it) and after being shunned by his parents, left the pack. Raun loves his brother but thinks of him as a coward and a quitter for leaving.

Raun cares a lot about how others perceive him and goes with the opinion of others, almost not having any opinions himself. He’s nice and fun but a bit haughty at times, seeing himself to be more important than others. Raun lives in his own self-made cloud castles in his mind, where nothing bad could ever happen to him.