


11 days, 12 hours ago


Me and my homeslice have a HGSS Randomized Nuzlocke going on rn, I'm finally uploading my player character + his team + my assorted doodles so far lmao! Check the descriptions of the images, they probably have some additional context!

Anyways here's Rosa's bio from what I have written DCFVGHB

- He/Him
- 18
- Born in Kalos

He has never lived in one place for too long, his dad is a popular battler who traveled from region to region, taking Rosa with him. Dad is good friends with Rob’s mom, so when she decided to step out of the limelight, Dad is opting to help in anyway he can, so he eventually sent Rosa to help the family in his place. Now Rosalin travels with Robert to make sure she doesn’t get herself wrecked by another trainer’s pokemon. He’s not familiar with the more rural parts of Johto, but he knows more than the average tourist at least. He’s good at battles, but struggles to keep in touch with his own emotions in fear of getting too attached.