


5 years, 8 months ago


✦ Basics

Age6.5 moons
Nicknames"Call me Cecil :I"
✦ About

✦ Personality

+[Protective] - [Adventurous] - [Loyal]+

=[Competitive] - [Head-strong] - [Vocal]=

-[Irritable] - [Impulsive] - [Blunt]-

✦ Additonal Info

Breed: Turkish Angora x Moggy mix
Lineage: 50% Kittypet / 50% Cragclan
Birth Order: Theo | Lucien | Esther | Cecil
Voice: TBA
Mentor: N/A
Apprentice: N/A

✦ Likes
♥His family♥
Rough Housing
Star Gazing
✦ Dislikes
Being called pretty
Being mistaken for a she-cat
Rudeness towards his family
✦ Appearance

 A pretty boy to say the least. Getting his feminine features directly from his mother he is often if not always being mistaken for a female. Which is not something he's very happy about - but sometimes he can't be bothered to correct them. His good features are often ruined by the slight indentation of a scowl he normally wears, though it's quickly replaced with a warm smile when around those he's close with. While his glare is as cold as ice, his smile could melt even the coldest of hearts. He is fairly small for a tomcat, he holds himself with an air of confidence and walks rather elegantly too, both things that he picked up when he used to follow his mother around so closely.
[When Older]- Don't let his pretty face fool you, he takes after in his father in the fact that his long fur hides a mass of well-built muscle and sure enough he has quite the punch to go with it. Which is a great shock to most toms when he gives them a good wake up smack for trying to flirt with him - thinking he's a she-cat. 

✦ History

[ Before Birth]

His parents met under unusual circumstances. Swiftcreek of CragClan had been knocked unconscious during a scouting patrol gone wrong and an “unfortunate” circumstance occurred in which Swiftcreek had been found and ‘rescued’ by some twolegs. He had to spend a few days in their company before he could make his escape - while he did appreciate their sentiments he had always been a Clan cat and would appreciate the outdoors. However, during his escape attempt, he had found himself lost and without direction. It would not be easy for him to travel back to his home Clan. It was by pure chance and fortune that he met up with Celeste, a young and pretty she-cat who was renowned for her grace and kindness. She was well-liked and easily managed to endear herself to the senior warrior. He agreed to meet with Celeste’s owner, a sickly child who was often confined to her house and doted on her cat. This was done in exchange for the she-cat showing him the way back. 

However, afterwards, Swiftcreek became a bit restless - visiting with a human owner did not amount much to a life debt. He would then make the decision to return to her when he could and would on occasion bring her gifts and regale her with tales of Clan life. At some point, while he had considered trying to convince her to consider the Clan life, his own thoughts were swayed by the tranquillity of kittypet life. Perhaps it had been Celeste all along, however. Swiftcreek was no stranger to love - and that of missed chances. Apparently, Celeste felt the same and they confessed to each other. Hana, Celeste's owner saw how the two often spent time together and arranged a little wedding ceremony for the two. Swiftcreek was given a little bow tie and Celeste wore a flower crown with a veil with Hana representing as the priest. Shortly after the pair were expecting their first litter!! Celeste was so excited she could barely contain herself.

[ After Birth ]
Cecil was born to a litter of four, 3 boys and one girl with two very loving parents. Being the youngest he was quite spoiled in terms of love from both his parents and siblings,

[ Apprenticehood ]

[ Warriorhood ]

✦ Family
LittermatesLucien, TheoEsther
Half-SiblingsPlumbelly, Batflame
✦ Orientation

S. Orientation: ???
R. Orientation: ???

Previous Relationship[s]: 
Current: N/A
Crush[es]: N/A


Preferences: [ ??? ]
Dislikes: [ ??? ]

✦ Trivia
● It's no secret that Cecil is a huge momma's boy and proud of it too.
● He respects his father a lot and that's why he wanted to experience clan life as his father did.
● He learned a lot of his colourful vocabulary from Ashton a barn cat.

profile html by Hukiolukio