Pak Jang-mi




wip for now!! 

demon slayer oc hehe 

basic info;;

name: Pak Jang-Mi 

age: 21 

height: 5'3 1/2 

Personality: Spoiled, wealthy girl which went through a lavish lifestyle to hardwork and dedication to a cause. She holds a graceful front to strangers, only close friends know her slightly short temper, sarcastic tone, and spoiled habits. She genuinely is kind, almost like a big older sister with an attitude to tell you off if you're in the wrong. (or argue with her over fashion choices). Has good social etiquette, knows her way around a conversation, oblivious to talk of financial budgeting. Enjoys buying lavish clothing, accessories, and anything to do with her homeland. Most imported Korean items are sold even more expensively than back home. Has a one sided crush on the Snake Pillar. She think's he is very pretty. Close friends with Mitsuri.

tldr backstory: Family moved from Korea to Japan for business opportunities when she was 15, however her family was killed and she lost all contact with getting back to Korea. Wandering aimlessly and estranged, she was introduced to the Demon Slayer Corp.

design notes:

  • wears a norigae (korean hanbok accessory) all the time with her uniform.
  • her uniform was tailored to resemble the length of a hanbok.
  • Traditionally, korean swords are worn backwards and attached via rope while idle. The sword faces forward when it is ready to be unsheathed.