Minoru Fujimura



2 months, 23 days ago


Minoru Fujimura is an original character created by MonMonPok.  He is a third-year student, and is not currently a part of any clubs.  He attends Akademi High School during the 20XX campaign, attending  school with Ayano.


From a glance, the most noticeable aspect of Minoru's appearance  would have to be his dull, eggplant-colored hair. Its short-length and  messiness is a result of a lack of care, a fact that's held true for all  three of his years at Akademi. Though it garners a bit of negative  attention, others regarding him as unkempt, he cares quite little.

Beyond his hair, and upon closer inspection, you'll see a  fair-skinned boy of slightly above-average height. His eyes take on a  far brighter hue than that of his hair, the mixture of purple and blue  almost glowing. Above them lie his eyebrows, which are just as messy as  his hair. Incredibly thick, they result in him looking quite angry, a  lot of the time... which he also does not mind. After all, to him, it's  better he and people he doesn't know stay far apart.

In terms of the boy's attire, he wears Akademi's signature  black-blazer, though entirely unbuttoned, allowing a dark purple hoodie  to shine through. It's a hoodie he acquired from an old friend of his,  one he's got trouble leaving out of his wardrobe, regardless of the heat  involved in having three layers. Lastly, both of Minoru's ears are  pierced, black earrings stapled into each. All for flair, as he'd say --  likely sarcastically.


Minoru is a very different person, depending on who you ask. If you  asked someone close to the guy, such as a friend, or family, they'd  probably tell you he's "nice", maybe some would say "shy". However, ask a  stranger, and they're certain to give you a much clearer answer -- the  guy's an asshole, at least in their view.

And to an extent, they're not wrong! To him, there's really no  point in engaging with people you don't know, and don't really mess  with. It's an exercise in socialization, of cordiality, and a bunch of  other stuff he simply does not want to do -- especially for someone he,  again, does not know. And as a result, Minoru really just... doesn't put  in that effort. At most, you'll get a minor wave-back upon a "hello",  but most of the time, you'll be left with air as he walks past. Or, if  someone happens to be extra pushy, a very aggressive scowl. 

In Minoru's eyes, this is pretty smart. After all, he's setting  you up for success by ensuring no time's wasted on a guy who has no time  of his own to offer. It's a win-win on both ends, but he's content with  most not getting it.

Now, as previously mentioned, friends and family are going to  give quite a different take on the guy, and that's because they're who  that aforementioned time is going towards. When around people he  actually cares for, Minoru shifts quite a bit. All that passiveness, the  mild waves, even the scowling -- it all shifts into very different  behavior. Rather than showing disinterest, he's willing to engage  himself fully into what others are into, even if it's not to his taste;  and though not all touchy-feely, he's a lot more willing to directly  interact. 

Scowling may still occur, but rather than coming from anger, it comes from a place of love. And also anger.

But all of this is only really Minoru with others -- what about  Minoru himself? Well, the answer to that question, as he'd put it, is  "eh". In truth, he's just a really normal guy on his own. He's got his  own interests, but he's not all too interested in much outside of  muscle. Most stuff he's into comes from others, his personality will  shift and swap based on whoever he's chatting with at the time, it's all  fun and loose. So he prefers not to define it.

Minoru Fujimura is, simply, Minoru Fujimura. He knows his friends can figure out what that means.


During the course of Yandere Simulator, Minoru would hold the  "Protective" Persona. Upon harm coming to either himself, or his friends  (that he manages to witness), he'll immediately attempt to apprehend  the player-- causing potential injuries to Ayano should he succeed. His  strength is categorized as Weak, however, so he's unable to put up much  of a fight. If a friend of his claims to have witnessed Ayano commit a  crime, he'll act especially cold.


Minoru Fujimura does not currently have anyone on his relationship chart. 


During School:

  • Minoru enters the school earlier than most. If his friends are  present, he'll enter alongside them -- otherwise, he'll enter the school  focused on his phone. Upon arriving inside of the school, he switches  shoes, and makes his way to one of two locations.
    • If his friends are present, he'll follow them to their location,  typically following a schedule on who chooses the location of the day.  As he doesn't care very much, he won't select a location of his own.
    • If his friends are not present, he'll instead head over to the Sewing Room to chill. As he knows the student present there, Hazu Kashibuchi, won't talk to him out of fear, he takes the opportunity to relax.
  • Once class-time arrives, he heads over to Classroom 3-1. He  typically winds up as one of the last ones to arrive, either due to  getting caught up with others or just not caring enough to arrive  quickly.
  • Upon its conclusion, Minoru remains in class for a bit, scrolling on  his phone. Eventually, he either returns to his friends, or heads over  to the Sewing Room, a repeat of his morning schedule. On occasion, he'll  instead head over to either the Martial Arts or Sports Club to watch  their members train.
  • Once the day ends, he spends half the time cleaning around the  school, before making his way back home early -- ensuring that nobody  catches him on the way out. If the player does so, he'll head back in,  sulking.


  • Minoru's hair color was initially going to be orange. Likewise, his eyes were going to be golden.
  • The current color palette was partially based on Kafka, a character from Honkai: Star Rail and mother.
  • He's super into muscles, not for himself, but for others. He cannot lift a weight to save his life.
  • Had a girlfriend once. It was a messy, messy breakup.
    • Unrelated, he came out a month later to his closest friends.