Rose Quartz



5 years, 11 months ago


Full Name of the gem (and any possible nicknames): 
Smokey Quartz, but will answer to Smokey, Rose Quartz, Rose or Amethyst.

Amethyst responds to he/she/them.
Rose Quartz responds solely to she.
Smokey Quartz responds to she/them.

Theme Song(s) 
(I also have a Mega file link if that doesn't work...long-story-short the original author put the instrumental up for download but nobody posted a high-quality version of it besides the dl'd link)
(btw, this is Rose's 
and this is Amethyst's.
I chose the songs solely on how they sounded, not based on the meaning of the actual song)

Gem location:
Amethyst's gem is on their naval, while Rose's is just under her right breast.

Amethyst has a shield; Rose has a sasumata.  They can occasionally put the two together to make a frying-pan-esque mace, however, non-lethal as this is, Rose hates hurting other gems/beings, so they tend to keep the two solely defensive weapons (a shield is, well, a shield, while a sasumata is basically just a human restrainer).

Owner (if they have any): N/A

Height: Approx. 12" (I don't know how to proportion giant women I'm sorry)

Powers: Rose Quartz offers the capability of healing, while Amethyst provides a deal of strength and speed greater than most gems. They also have some limited shape shifting capabilities, however typically chose not to use them.

other (anything particular you want to share about your gem!):
This is Rose's voice, but just slightly deeper. I still have yet to find Amethyst's or Smokey Quartz's.

The two ran away from Homeworld after it was announced that all Rose Quartzes were to be shattered for one of their own doing the same to their Diamond (of course, we find out later they were only bubbled, but the announcement was for their shattering). Amethyst and Rose Quartz had communicated briefly on numerous occasions- enough to hold down some sort of friendly relationship- so Rose, in a panic, immediately ran to Amethyst for help. Amethyst, being the loyal dog that she is, was at first torn, but decided to help her friend escape Homeworld. In the midst of everything, the two had almost gotten caught and Amethyst was forced to accompany Rose in escape. The two wandered for quite some time before finding Red Jasper's Rebels- I mean a lot of time, enough for them to figure out fusion with each other. And they loved it.

favourite quote (this is optional):
"But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated." - Ernest Hemmingway

(although technically it'd be a gem in this case)

Rose Quartz's fusions:

Rose Quartz + Amethyst = Smokey Quartz (Club/Frying Pan thing)
Rose Quartz + Blood Red Pearl = Carnelian Quartz (??)
Rose Quartz + Blue Pearl = Angel Aura Quartz (??)
Rose Quartz + Pink Coral Pearl = Bubblegum Quartz (??)