
3 days, 13 minutes ago


Who's this gremlin? It's Theodore! Also known as Theo. 

Theodore is an anxious cat gremlin with major anxiety as well as diagnoses ADHD that he does not take medication for, since it makes him sick. He also smokes cigarettes regularly for stress relief purposes, claiming that they help, even though they don't seem to do much in the long run. He views himself very negatively, usually keeping those thoughts away but sometimes they creep up when he can't do anything about them.
He is also 41 years old.

He learned he was gay when he was a child, and is very open about it. He figured out he was polyamorous as an adult, and his current boyfriends include Peppino (yes the one who owns the Pizzeria) and Nick. He loves both of them very much, despite his own flaws, and loves being around them! 

Theo had a terrible childhood. He nearly drowned when he was 14 (causing his major fear of water), started smoking at 16, and ran away from his home in Mexico at 20 to move to Italy, where he became famous by complete accident. Despite being rich and popular, he prefers living a modest life as his real self away from the cameras. Theo keeps himself to himself, only those he trusts (his boyfriends) know his other identity is him, but even then he keeps it as separate as he can. 

He speaks English fine, but cannot read or write in it. He speaks Spanish very well, as well as being able to read and write in it very easily. He learned Italian for spite reasons, but never speaks a word of it. He knows a few other languages as well, but only to a basic level, not having the motivation to learn them further.
Despite normally being fine at English, there are some words he struggles with and others he isn't sure about. He will usually ask one of his friends when he needs help with it. His thoughts are in Spanish, which makes sense because he grew up in Mexico and lived there for 20 years, people know this because occasionally he mentions needing to translate his thoughts into English words he can speak. Whenever he is too stressed or upset, he speaks only in Spanish, finding it too difficult to focus enough to be able to translate his words into a language most people can understand.