


"When a being of passion and commitment meets their end, their vast emotions might anchor them to this reality. The afterlife fails to claim them, and they become something more. Something more powerful, unbridled from their past self."

At least, that's what I've gathered so far. There seem to be more out there, and no doubt they have a more than decent chance of being dangerous, despicable, inelegant. There's beauty in power I have learned; I am most beautiful after all, my claim to ascension is the desire to be perfect. Pleasant, but not in a selfless way of course. It's so much less of a hassle to be gorgeous when you're created from your own passion. There's so much talk about beauty coming from within but what good was it to me until I could look the part?

"The toxic essence of their token aspect is theirs to control, and can be shared. Usually materializing as a bottomless flask of poison, it's able to infuse others with varying degrees of influence. From mild thought deviances disruption to overwhelming emotion that can overcome even the strongest resilience, all depending on dosage."

Deviances. What an ugly word. No, I don't appreciate that. Disruption sounds better. God, it's like I'm not even trying to take my claim to greatness seriously? I can't just look pretty, I need to be beauty. Act the way a greater being with perfection in their veins would. They can't see me like that, what would they think? One day, I'll be ready. I'll be sure that people will see me and know that nothing more Elegant may ever exist. 

Toxic Demons are a species by Anastasia-Berry