WTA's Comments

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Let me see I think I would make him brother, or father of https://toyhou.se/2809944.raphael maybe? Would have to make  him a bear person. A older relative to him

Name: Elijah

He doesn't sleep alot

Name; Asher Kane Wilkin

I really, really like the look of this guy... He seems like a rough-and-tumble kind of guy, but also is a big fluffball who loves his friends above all else. He's husky, but doesn't let the fact hold him back, and he lives his life to the fullest he possibly can manage. He's stuck in a dead-end job, but still holds his head high, especially supported by his friends, including Argo, Sahana, Jonah, Rox, and Jax. They'e one inseparable group, and I'd be writing their stories out as both individuals and in the group dynamic. 

I want to write so much more, but I don't really have much time right now... Thank you for the chance!