Dorian Côté



9 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Dorian Nathan Alexis Côté


Dory, French, Dory-an






French. (Human)



Date of Birth

February 18th



Song of Choice

Bastille - Daniel in the Den


Likes: Nicotine, being 'different', baking, chasing the bromance around, chilling with his peeps in his room, being rather lazy, swimming, summer and fall.
Dislikes: People who make fun of his accent, mud, slush, being alone.
Hobbies: Smoking, sleeping, baking, making sure Sol doesn't kill himself, making sure Chel doesn't kill herself, making sure he doesn't kill himself, swimming.

✖ Takes no shit.
✖ Quiet and observant, more of an onlooker than a do'er.
✖ Has issues with language barriers.

At face value, one would constitute Dorian as someone who gives little importance to many things around him - slightly aloof and introverted - he does not attempt to do much to change that description of him given by other people. It's not that he really is what he has been branded, he just figures it's easier for people to assume something. 

Deep down, he's a very observant kind of person - he strives to be in the know when it comes to situation. He is the kind of man who would have a small detailing journal so that he could keep his thoughts in one place (and probably mostly in french.) Dorian is very guarded, he wouldn't allow people to see this kind of thing, as he is very uncertain of others, and does not like to give slack to those around him at first. From this, he's maybe a little bit crass, both in external personality and conversation. 

This does not mean that he is prone to refuting superiors - he would probably bitch and complain the whole way, but he is secretly the kind to follow an honest request. This works for women too, he's got a bit of a soft spot for a pretty lady who needs assistance. This does not include Justice, at times, for he can come off as frustrated with the raspy voice permeating his mind. 

He has one major vice, and that's smoking - never having really left it since his coming to Deus. One can usually find him on his off time, curled up somewhere quiet with a smoke in his mouth, and a journal in his lap. 

Lastly, he is rather loyal to those he considers friends. He could tell them to fuck off and give them a good slap to the back of the head at times, but in a pinch, he will have their back. 

Also; Dorian is not allowed to drive. Dorian is not allowed to drive. Dorian Côté is not allowed to drive. 

Dorian could never pick out exactly when he started seeing those from another realm - he just knows he's always been able to see what everyone assumed was "ami imaginaire" - imaginary friends, which only alienated him further from his small speckling of towns in Rural Quebec where he was raised.

Due to this, he spent most of his youth being that bad boy that your small town parents talked about - in order to stick out he took up things like smoking and tattoos, learning about the world outside of La Belle Province, and straying from his family's wholesome quiet lifestyle - but being just one of his parents eight children meant that there would be 'one or two' in the family, and when he finally graduated from high school and became legal, he was out.

After putting all his money on the line, he found himself in the middle of Europe, with everything on his back and usually prone to being on his last fifty dollars, and needing a pack of smokes - he spent a few years of freedom meandering around, trying to find somewhere that he felt comfortable, safe and far from the voices and people who had driven him away.

It became obvious, though, as he travelled that it was something that he would never be rid of, almost like a permanent affliction. In a last ditch effort, he accepted an invitation he received from an elite organization who had found him at his wits end somewhere between here and there, hoping that they would help him find a way to kick off the edge. Find solace.

He would do anything.